The City of Justice Yew is a small, peaceful town nestled amongst the trees in the great forest of northwestern Britannia. Its people live at peace with the land, raising crops, tending flocks, and gathering wild plants for use in healing and magic. Because of its quiet, pastoral nature, Yew attracts many rangers in addition to the druids who founded it. The druids are known for their ability to see things truly and without bias, and are responsible for having constructed the mighty Empath Abbey, which is found in the northern portion of the city. This place is a center for learning and self-reflection that draws travelers from the world over. Because of their eternal quest to find justice and equality, the druids have also been given the responsibility for administering justice. The great courtroom on the far western edge of the city's boundaries has often been the site of momentous trials, and the prison beyond has been the home for many dangerous criminals. For those interested more in adventure than in history or peace, the wilderness around Yew is wild, indeed. A small number of shops provide the needs for adventurers with the skills to brave the wilds, but little is offered in the way of further training, as no guilds make their homes here. Amenities: Baker, Bank, Bowyer, Butcher, Carpenter, Counselors' Guild, Healer, Tanner .END Minoc
The Miners' Frontier The city of Minoc has boomed in recent years, due to the rich veins of ore that can be found in the nearby mountains. Situated along the northern coast of Britannia, the city is a haven for the tinkers, miners, and blacksmiths who depend upon these abundant resources for their livelihood. Those who wish to begin a career in any of these arts, as well as prospectors who are willing to brave the danger-filled forests nearby, will find this town an excellent home. Minoc is also interesting in its large population of gypsies and old-timers who have been mining since the town was a small hamlet. Because it is fairly distant from the rule of Lord British and has grown up quickly from very small beginnings to significant wealth, Minoc is a rough frontier town. Although guards keep the peace in the city streets, the surrounding countryside can be dangerous indeed. Travelers should beware of bandits, thieves, and prowling monsters. Mount Kendall is one of Britannia's most famous mountains, known for its caves and rich ore veins. For those seeking to learn a trade, Minoc offers guild halls for miners and warriors. Amenities: Architect, Armorer, Bank, Blacksmith, Butcher, Counselors' Guild, Healer, Provisioner, Stable, Tanner, Tavern, Tinker .END Britain
The City of Bards The thriving city of Britain is the capital city of Britannia and home to the famed Lord British, ruler of the realm. An excellent home base for any professional starting out his career, Britain offers numerous opportunities for training, purchasing equipment, learning new skills, and experiencing the world's many social opportunities. Within the city, you will find examples of the best and worst that Britannia has to offer. Outside, every road presents an opportunity for danger and excitement, with roads leading to every part of Britain's mainland. For would-be adventurers, guild halls in the area offer training for prospective bards, miners, and warriors. The most famous of Britain's many city landmarks is Lord British's enormous castle, found on the western side of the city. Also of interest are the many fine centers of learning and the arts, such as Lord British's Conservatory of Music, located just beyond his castle walls. Bards from all over Britannia come here to study their craft and to entertain one another through music. Amenities: Armorer, Bank, Baker, Blacksmith, Bowyer, Butcher, Carpenter, Counselors' Guild, Healer, Inn, Jeweler, Mage shop, Provisioner, Shipwright, Stables, Tailor, Tanner, Tavern, Veterinarian .END Moonglow
The City of Magic The mages' town of Moonglow has long been devoted to the study of things magical. Although there are enough amenities to suit any adventurer, much of this small island is devoted to magical commerce and entertainment. Those who wish to improve their skills as a mage or purchase magical implements often make their homes here. For those scholars who are happy to reside here indefinitely, Moonglow offers several guilds for training in the magical arts, as well as a wide variety of shops devoted to spells, reagents, potions, and other magical gear. Because Moonglow is on an island, it does not offer many opportunities for combat, but a nearby moongate offers access to the mainland for would-be adventurers who seek a wider world in which to adventure. Newcomers to the town should be sure to visit the network of teleporters which reach all corners of the island, as well as the fine zoo in its southern portion and the telescope perched on its eastern edge. Amenities: Alchemist, Armorer, Baker, Butcher, Counselors' Guild, Healer, Herbalist, Provisioner, Reagent Shop, Tailor, Weapons, Woodworker .END Trinsic
The Walled City Trinsic, home of Britain's paladins, is known far and wide for its warriors, its code of honor, and its dedication to preserving and protecting the realm of Britannia. Any skill or item of equipment necessary for practicing the warrior's trade can be found in abundance within the city's towering city walls, including a number of guilds and meeting halls devoted to the art of combat. Trinsic also offers a branch of the tinkers' guild for those of a more inventive nature and a fishermen's guild for those who wish to plumb the sea of its many treasures. Due to its location on the dangerous southern end of the continent, Trinsic has frequent disputes with pirates, giants, ogres, and trolls that roam the surrounding coastline and countryside. Those who venture forth from Trinsic's gate and into the southern tip of the continent must be bold, indeed. Within the city, visitors will find a fine natural garden, a number of attractive bridges spanning the river that splits the city, and excellent training halls and stables. The marketplace in the southeastern corner of the city is also worth visiting. Amenities: Armorer, Baker, Bank, Butcher, Counselors' Guild, Healer, Inn, Jeweler, Provisioner, Stable, Tailor, Tanner, Tavern, Weapons .END Magincia
Isle of Riches Magincia is a fairly small island town known for the incredible wealth that it derives from the sea and from the practice of the magical arts. The city itself is beautiful to behold, with golden streets and majestic architecture. Honest tradesmen do not linger for long upon this isle, however, preferring to pass through the moongate upon its western edge in search of a more pleasing environment. For those who seek to begin a career in Magincia, however, the city does offer guilds for fishermen and miners, and a modest collection of shops. Little in the way of danger ever finds its way here, but the moongate does offer abundant danger on its other side. For the visitor, Magincia's most impressive sites are its Parliament Building and the Temple to the Virtues - even if these are rarely practiced in the city. Should an adventurer join the ranks of Magincia's elite and purchase a ship, the docks to the south of the city offer access to the many other islands nearby. Amenities: Baker, Bank, Counselors' Guild, Healer, Inn, Jeweler, Magic Shop, Shipwright, Tailor, Tavern, Tinker .END Jhelom
Mercenaries' Isle Jhelom is a city run by warriors for warriors. Home of the famed Dueling Pit, the city offers the realm's best warriors a chance to test their skills in combat against one another in non-lethal combat. Because of its large populace of warriors, Jhelom is a very rough-and-tumble city, but tightly enforced laws keep disorder to a minimum, and the pit allows disputes to be settled under carefully controlled circumstances. Jhelom's military government has a general dislike for mages and things magical, so all magical shops are restricted to the tiny southernmost island of the chain, although shops occasionally offer magical weapons and armament for those who desire them. Most of the commerce in the area, however, is dedicated to the trappings of physical combat and to training adventurers in its practice. Guilds for both warriors and armorers are to be found on the main island. As an island city, Jhelom is not particularly dangerous for starting adventurers, but a moongate on the central island offers daring adventurers a chance to enter the wilderness in search of danger and reward. Often, merchants and other travelers camp by the gate awaiting escort to Britain's other cities. Amenities: Armorer, Baker, Bank, Blacksmith, Butcher, Counselors' Guild, Fish Shop, Healer, Inn, Jeweler, Mage Shop, Provisioner, Shipwright, Tailor, Tavern, Tinker, Weapons, Woodworker .END Skara Brae
The City of Rangers Skara Brae is a peaceful, clean city dedicated to the spirituality and the arts. The rangers and other folk who dwell therein are attuned to nature and the natural state, and they are very much at home in the forests of Britannia - so much so that their city extends from its main island into the forests on the west coast of Britannia proper. The city itself is home to a guild of rangers and all manner of shops that one would visit before undertaking a long journey. Equipment for riding, traveling on shipboard, and walking is available, and supplies for self-preservation in times of danger abound. Because the inhabitants of Skara Brae are more inclined to intellectualism than other warriors, they embrace both magical and physical combat, and both are well represented here. For those seeking adventure in the wilds, a gate from the main island leads to the extension of the town along the coast of Britannia, and from there it is a short trip into the forests and swamps of the southern mainland where monsters and more mundane creatures abound. Amenities: Animal Supplies, Armorer, Bank, Bowyer, Butcher, Carpenter, Counselors' Guild, Healer, Inn, Magic Shop, Provisioner, Reagent Shop, Shipwright, Stable, Tailor, Tavern, Weapons Shop .END Vesper
The City of Bridges Vesper is a center for trade in Britannia, both overland from Minoc and Cove, and overseas from the major islands. Because of the continual influx of wealth, it is a city of playfulness and decadence where magic and the arts are in continued evidence. Beneath the surface, deception and corruption lurk, however, and guards are common through the bridges and streets of the city. Almost anything can be bought and sold in Vesper, and the numerous shops and places of learning sit on dozens of small islands in a river delta connected everywhere by beautiful bridges. As a center for trade, the city has attracted craftsmen and adventurers of every kind, and guilds for mages, miners, warriors, and fishermen can be found here. For those inclined to dally, the museum of Vesper is an interesting side-trip for visitors to the city. Adventure-seekers can find plenty of danger to the northeast, where dark forests hold dangerous monsters. The road north to Minoc and the long west road to Britain or Yew also offer danger, as thieves often lurk along these pathways in search of unwary travelers. Amenities: Alchemist, Armorer, Bank, Baker, Beekeeper, Blacksmith, Bowyer, Butcher, Carpenter, Fish Shop, Healer, Inn, Jeweler, Magic shop, Provisioner, Shipwright, Tailor, Tanner, Tavern, Tinker .END