FORMùîDATAFORMùâLANGINFOenucliloc-1N TEXTù¯Reputation aversion triggeredI have no reaction to you.I am going home.Searching.Idle, wandering.Bugging out of combat due to flags.You are no longer squelched.You are no longer frozen.You are no longer invulnerable.SwingingNo scriptsNo varsYou can not use skills while dead.You can not use skills.That skill cannot be used directly.You do not have that spell!You do not have that spell!Bank is now ON!Bank is now OFFBad param. Bank is currently ONBad param. Bank is currently OFFUsage: .addres bank|world resourcetype (amount)You are not in a resource region.Bad sethue.Opening door...Mem report writtenCould not open file for appendingMemory debugging not enabledCould not open reslist.txt for writing on serverWrote reslist.txt on serverTruuuuuuuue.Nosir.No such object.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Usage: become template_numberSuccess!Failed!Game master mode onGame master mode offUsage: gm [on|off]Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Target not found.Fight startedTarget not found.Teleport storm started.Object not foundObject not foundObject not foundUsage: getplayers num x y zPlayer not foundPlayer not foundObject not foundUsage: multi_repos id x y zDone!Invalid multi template idUsage: multi_nosend id valueDone!Invalid multi template idUsage: decay_test valueDecay test on!Decay test off!Starting atrophy.Invalid transfer locationInvalid transfer locationJailing playerYou have no current player set, sorryVictim has no unjail location set, use release.Unjailing playerYou have no current player set, sorryInvalid release locationSorry, that would transfer a non-Gold player to a Gold area.Releasing playerYou have no current player set, sorryGM help request entered.Unknown counselor commandNo current help request.Going to current playerCurrent help request invalidRemoved previous player from queueThere are no pending queue entriesGoing to next playerTransfered request to GM queueYou have no current player set, sorryPlayer request relinquishedThat queue entry does not existPlayer request relinquishedInvalid locationPlayer request relinquishedYou have no current player set, sorryPlayer request cleared from queueYou have no current player set, sorryInvalid request, player request cleared from queueYou are not currently handling a help requestNo such player.Your mount is too fatigued to move.You are too fatiged to move, because you are carrying too much weight!You are too fatigued to move.You are frozen and can not move.You are now under the protection of the town guards.You have left the protection of the town guards.You are now under the protection of the town guards. Cry out for the 'guards' if you find yourself in need!Beware! You have left the protection of the town guards and have considerably less protection from attack! You should head back toward town if you are not yet prepared!Your spirit rejoins your body.With some effort, you reunite your spirit and your body.You must wait a few moments to use another skill.You must wait to perform another action.Your crime is considered self-defense.Notoriety wanted to drop, but oneWay prevented it.Notoriety wanted to raise, but oneWay prevented it.Group formed and member addedGroup formed.I left my group, and appointed a new leader.Group disbanded!I've joined a group.I've left a group.Attacking a pet!Thou has not the gold to pay for your crimes. For that, you die.Thou wilt regret thine actions, swine!I am fatigued!Your mount is very fatigued.You stop meditating.Regenerative forces cannot penetrate your armor.Reconnecting.Calling IsMoveable.....mulitcomp, No Goediting, OKNo Draw, No GoCorpse, No GOTo heavy or something, no goWeight Check says OKTile Manager approved, OKFell off bottom of IsMoveable, No GONo Duplicate Id's found.Compression not yet implemented.Format: set vars: strength, dexterity, intelligence, maxhp, curhp, maxmana, curmana, maxfatigue, curfatigue, hue, notoriety, fame, karma, name, body, skill, location, naturalac, naturalwcFormat: set vars: strength, dexterity, intelligence, maxhp, curhp, maxmana, curmana, maxfatigue, curfatigue, hue, notoriety, fame, karma, name, body, skill, location, naturalac, naturalwcTarget not found.Invalid locationUsage: set target location [x y|x y z]Format: set skill Invalid skillFormat: set skillmod Invalid skillFormat: query Vars: strength, dexterity, intelligence, maxhp, curhp, maxmana, curmana, maxfatigue, curfatigueTarget not found.Format: add vars: strength, dexterity, intelligence, maxhp, curhp, maxmana, curmana, maxfatigue, curfatigueTarget not found.Variable not found.I'm not telling you how much this has in it..You are now a criminal.You can not say anything, you have been squelched.You can not pick that up.You can not pick that up.You are too tired to lift a finger, much less anything else.I failed to steal.Someone tried to steal from you.You successfully steal the item!This item needs resources.That is not your container, you can't store things here.Access to bank not allowed anymore.Access to bank not allowed anymore.That spell is already present in that spellbook.Your godly powers allow you to over-fill the container.Your godly powers allow you to over-fill the container.You can not request help, sorry.The next available counselor or game master will respond as soon as possible.The next available game master will respond as soon as possible.The next available counselor will respond as soon as possible.Greetings. Have a look around.Your order cannot be fulfilled, please try again.Your order cannot be fulfilled, please try again.Your order cannot be fulfilled, please try again.Thou hast bought nothing!Begging thy pardon, but thy bank account lacks these funds.Begging thy pardon, but thou canst not afford that.I will not buy from you, ever.You can only sell 5 items at a time!Unable to complete your request.You may not sell containers unless they are empty.Thou hast offered nothing!Unable to complete your request.Ahh! We've been looking for that!I have no need for that.I cannot die.Spell failedNot enough manaYou can not say anything, you have been squelched.You can't get on a mount that's fighting.That is too far away to ride.The spellbook must be in your backpack (and not in a container within) to open.It appears to be blank.You can not peek into the container.You failed to peek into the container.You are too tired to lift a finger.You failed to peek into the container.You are not strong enough to equip that.You already have something in both hands.You can only wield one weapon at a time.You must have both hands free to wield this weapon.Your right hand must be free to wield this weapon.Your left hand must be free to wield this weapon.You are already wielding a two handed weapon.OW! THAT SMARTS!Ha ha! Missed me!What should I cook this on?What should I cook this on?What should I cook this on?What should I cook this on?What should I cook this on?pile of boardspile of boardswoodpilewoodpileYou feel cured of poison!That potion was not strong enough to cure your ailment!You are already poisoned.This would have poisoned you, if you were not new to the land of Britannia. Be careful in the future.You must wait 10 seconds before using another healing potion.You should throw it now!Target can not be seen.Select an ingredient to mix with or a fire to cook on.defaultWhat should I cook this on?name incorrectWhat should I cook this on?You cook the pie.What should I cook this on?Time to start opening.Still opening.Curtain is open now.Time to start opening.Still opening.Curtain is open now.That location is too far away.A ship can not be created here.max = rate = level = satisfaction = What should I cook this on?What should I cook this on?Enter the area of operation for the terrain scan, in (x, y) (x, y) format:Setting of operations area cancelled.Format for operations area incorrect.Terrain scan complete.*Acid blood scars your weapon!*Honestly, I'm not a key.Honestly, I'm not a key.What would you like to add?No type defined! ERROR.This object needs to be mounted on something.You cannot build that there.You cannot build that there.You cannot build near the door.You cannot build near the stairs.This add-on deed is blank.You can only place this in a house that you own!You can only build this in a house.You can only place this in a house or on a ship that you own!Construction aborted. Please try again.As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.You pour the potion into a bottle......and place it into your backpack....but there is no room in your backpack.You create the potion and pour it into the keg.That container is too full to hold your potion.You are wise enough not to add a different type of potion to that keg.You are unsure what is in the keg, and decide not to add your mixture to it.You were unable to complete your work before you died.You fail to create a useful potion.Dead people can't make potions.Where is a bottle or keg for your potion?You stop mixing and empty the mortar.Someone else is using that.What reagent would you like to make the potion out of?You were unable to complete your work before you died.You can not use that.You are too far away to do that.That's not something you can grind with a mortar and pestle!That is not a potion ingredient.You are not skilled enough to make anything out of that.That is not an appropriate container for a potion.They don't match.It's not there.Unable to find script list on keg.One potion is missing the 'power' objVar.They don't match.One potion is missing the 'modifier' objVar.They don't match.The mixture explodes!You smell a strange odor!Nothing Happens.You are too busy with something else.Select a heating stand to heat this or a reagent to add to the mix.You cannot reach that.The flask is empty.That stand belongs to someone else.You need an empty bottle to make a potion.You create a mysterious potionNothing HappensThis flask is empty.You have been granted amnesty for your crimes. --Lord British.Let no good deed go unpunished! --Lord BlackthornWhom shall I examine?This person looks fine to me, though he may have some news...Only living things have anatomies!You know yourself quite well enough already.I am too far away to do that.That can not be inspected.Weariness prevents you from discerning anything useful.What animal should I look at?That's not an animal!That's not an animal!The spirits of the dead are not the province of animal lore.I am too far away to do that.You are to weary to discern anything useful.You can't think of anything you know offhand.Choose a location to create your anvil.You will not be able to put it in your backpack afterwards.Targetobj calledCan't create an anvil there.Can't create an anvil there.Targetloc calledCan't create an anvil there.Can't create an anvil there.What do you wish to appraise and identify?You can't see that object well enough to identify it.You can't concentrate enough to come up with a good estimate.Target cannot be seen.Target cannot be seen.I am too far away to do that.What item do you wish to get information about?You are too far away to tell much about it.You can't see it well enough to tell much about it.This is neither weapon nor armor.You are not certain...Which door do you want to add to my keylist?okayAdded door to my keylist.If this lever ever did anything, it doesn't do it anymore.The lever feels loose, and you realize it no longer controls anything.You flip the lever and think you hear something, but realize it was just your imagination.The lever flips without effort, doing nothing.You flip the lever, and now its even more broken than before!What message do you wish to send to the player?Text entry timed outYou can't use that, it belongs to someone else.That is being used by someone elseSelect a loom to use that on.Try using that on a loom.You create some cloth and put it in your backpack.I'm a ballot box, not a container!Enter a line of text for your ballot, and hit ENTER. Hit ESC after the last line is entered.Votes zeroed out.You have already voted on this ballot.Your vote has been registered.You have already voted on this ballot.Your vote has been registered.Ballot entry complete.Next line or ESC to finish:I will not do business with a criminal!Thou must tell me how much thou wishest to withdraw.Ah, art thou trying to fool me? Thou hast not so much gold!Thou canst not withdraw so much at one time!Thou dost not have sufficient funds in thy account to withdraw that much.Thou must request a minimum of 5000 gold to draw up a check.Ah, art thou trying to fool me? Thou hast not so much gold!Thou dost not have sufficient funds in thy account to withdraw that much.There's not enough room in your bankbox for the check!This is not gold!I only accept gold coins.I will not do business with a criminal!Your bank box is full.A bank account can only hold 65,000 gold at the moment.Spare some gold friend?Just a few coins.Surely thou can spare something.I haven't eaten in days.I have children to feed.To whom do you wish to grovel?Perhaps just asking would work better.There is little chance of getting money from that!There is little chance of getting money from that!You are too far away to beg from him.You are too far away to beg from her.That's too far away. You couldn't beg from it anyway.They seem unwilling to give you any money.I feel sorry for thee...Thou dost not look trustworthy... no gold for thee today!I have not enough money to give thee any!victimbeggarThou dost not look trustworthy... no gold for thee today!I have not enough money to give thee any!I have not enough money to give thee any!I have not enough money to give thee any!reached end of begging pathfindLet me see...I dare not approach thee too closely, lest others think me an easy mark...A sense of great foreboding overtakes you.This item is of imported material, probably bought at a store, and does not yield much metal.Some metal seems to have lost its color due to the heat.You are not near a forge.You can not use that.You can't work on that item.That is already in full repair.You destroyed the item.You repair the item.You can't repair that.You cannot smith that item!This strange metal is beyond your capability--you have no idea how to work it!You can not melt something that is being worn or held.You feel compelled to not destroy this shield.You may only melt items which are in your backpack.You may only melt items which are in your backpack.This item can not be melted.That is being used by someone else.Select your choice from the menu above.Select item to repair.Select the item you wish to melt.Target the metal you would like to use.There is not enough metal there to make that item.You cannot place the item into your backpack! Construction stopped.You lost some metal.You create the item and put it in your backpack.In the process of hammering out the blade, you lose the distinctive color of the source metal.Due to your exceptional skill, it's quality is higher than average.You were barely able to make this item. Its quality is below average.That is too far away.That is not accessible.That is not accessible.This sheep is not yet ready to be shorn.But that's not dead!You would not be able to place the gathered wool in your backpack!You place the gathered wool into your backpack.The sheep nimbly escapes your attempts to sheer his wool.That wood belongs to someone else.There isn't enough wood hereYou can't prepare that fish, it belongs to someone else.You can't place any fish into your backpack!You cut the fish into steaks and put them in your backpack.Since you are a (co)owner of the house, you can destroy the movable furniture within.You can only chop your own strongboxYou destroy the item.You can't destroy that while it is here.You will need an axe of some sort to destroy this.Use this on corpses to carve away meat and hide.You don't have anywhere to carry the meat. You leave the meat on the corpse.You carve away some meat.You carve some meat, which remains on the corpse.There's no usable meat on the corpse.You don't have anywhere to carry the hides. You leave them on the corpse.You skin the corpse and get the hide.You skin it, and the hides are now in the corpse.The hide does not seem useful.You don't have anywhere to carry the furs. You leave them on the corpse.You skin the corpse and get the fur.You skin the corpse and get the fur. It is now in the corpse.The fur does not seem useful.You don't have anywhere to carry the feathers. You leave them on the corpse.You pluck the bird and get the feathers.You pluck the bird. The feathers are now on the corpse.You don't see any usable feathers.You don't have anywhere to carry the wool. You leave the wool on the corpse.You shear the corpse and get the wool.You shear it, and the wool is now on the corpse.Shearing the corpse seems to be a waste of time.You see nothing useful to carve from the corpse.That is too far away.The axe must me equipped for any serious wood chopping.There's not enough wood here to harvest.You can't use an axe on that.You can't place any kindling into your backpack!You put some kindling into your backpack.An axe would probably get you more wood.There's not enough wood here to harvest.You can't use a bladed item on that.You hack at the tree for a while, but fail to produce any useable wood.You hack at the tree for a while, but fail to produce any useable wood.You can't place any wood into your backpack!You put some logs into your backpack.You broke your axe.You do not have enough room for the item in your backpack! You stop making the item.Due to your exceptional skill, its quality is higher than average.You were barely able to make this item. Its quality is below average.Continue chopping for a while and then return to the person who gave you this task.Target cannot be seen.As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.Which item do you wish to bless?You can only bless an item!You may only bless objects that you are carrying.You can't bless this object!You can't bless this object.That object is already blessed.You may not take items from the corpses of the more established players.Some young warrior felled this, and you can not bring yourself to take any items from the corpse.You can not loot that corpse, as you are not the one that felled it and are not yet confident its slayer has taken everything off it they desire.human remainsAdding victim to the bounty list.Opening reporting menu.You have cancelled the bounty reporting process.An error has occurred and your murder cannot be reported.You have cancelled the bounty reporting process.You have cancelled the bounty reporting process.Killer's killcount lower than victim'sYou cannot report this death because the person who killed you has slain less people than you have.Victim's notoriety too low to report.You cannot report this death to Lord British's guards because your notoriety is too low.Victim flagged criminalYou cannot report this death to Lord British's guards because you are flagged as a criminal because of your recent deeds.Victim doesn't have lastCriminal attachedVictim's last criminal doesn't match killerAllowed to report!Returning killcount.NULL reward!Gold resource from bank:Gold resource on gold after transfer:Gold resource from board:reward!A bounty hath been issued for thee, and thy worldly goods are hereby confiscated!Error attaching bounty script.'Tis a decapitated head. How disgusting.'Tis a decapitated head. How disgusting.There is indeed a price on this head, but not here. Travel on, my friend, to a precinct of the guards that will pay thee.We only accept bounty hunting from honorable folk! Away with thee!I had heard that this scum was taken care of. But thou didst not do the deed, and thus shall not get the reward!No kills are tallied on this person.There is a bounty outstanding as well.I am now bounty hunted!Reducing bounty count.Penalizing stats.Killer must be above neutral to collect bounty.You have a higher killcount than the victim and cannot claim the bounty.As you kill them, you realize there is a bounty on their head! You take the head as evidence of your victory.Select player to bounty:Checking burners.Not fired up.Already fired up.Fueled up.No fuel.Target at close range.Target at long range.Preparing to breathe.Darn! Missed you!Eat fiery death!Causing damage.Finished causing damage.Gotcha!Causing damage.Finished causing damage.teleport unsuccessfulTerrain scan complete.Enter the amount by which to move terrain up.Enter the amount by which to move terrain lower.Enter the low end of the elevation filter:Enter the high end of the elevation filter:Setting of terrain type cancelled.Enter the area of operation for the terrain scan, in (x, y) (x, y) format:Setting of operations area cancelled.Format for operations area incorrect.Setting of transition type cancelled.Setting of embankment type cancelled.Terrain fill cancelled.Enter the target elevation, then a +/- fudge factor for randomization, in the format (a, b):Elevation changes cancelled.Format for elevations change incorrect.Terrain fill cancelled.Terrain fill cancelled.You do not have enough skill or resources to build anything!Double click on the archery butte to practice your archery skill.Fire on the target and then return to the person who gave you this task.Follow the arrow to complete your task.You're a ghost, and can't do that.Wait until it's clear!You gather the arrows and bolts.You must practice with ranged weapons on this.You do not have any arrows with which to practice.You do not have any crossbow bolts with which to practice.You would do better to stand in front of the archery butte.You aren't properly lined up with the archery butte to get an accurate shot.You are too far away from the archery butte to get an accurate shot.You are too close to the target.You would do better to stand in front of the archery butte.You aren't properly lined up with the archery butte to get an accurate shot.You are too far away from the archery butte to get an accurate shot.You are too close to the target.You miss the target altogether.If you have a deed, I can appraise it or buy it from you...Simply hand me a deed to sell it.I'm not interested in that.Which deed would you like appraised?I can't appraise things I know nothing about...Simply hand me the deed if you wish to sell it.The instrument becomes forever quiet.You play poorly, and there is no effect.You attempt to calm everyone, but fail.You hear music, and for a moment are distracted.You play your hypnotic music, stopping the battle.You hear lovely music, and forget to continue battling!What instrument shall you play?That is too far away!That is not a musical instrument.You feel it would take a few moments to secure your camp.The camp is now secure.This item must be stolen to get it.This item must be stolen to use it.You do not have enough staves to construct the keg.You do not have enough hoops to construct the keg.You do not have a bottom for the keg.You fail to create the keg.Some of your staves are no longer fit for use.You fail the project horribly, losing most of your materials in the process.You create the keg and put it in your backpack.You create the keg and put it at your feet.You are too busy with something else.What would you like to make?The amount of wood changed since you started working with it.Due to your exceptional skill, it's quality is higher than average.Your tinker skill was sufficient to make the item lockable.Your tinker skill was insufficient to make the item lockable.You create the item and put it in your backpack.You create the item and put it in your backpack.You create the item and put it at your feet.Your concentration is disturbed, thus ruining thy spell.Target cannot be seen.Target is too far away.To get your shield, ask any of Lord Blackthorn's Guards.You can no longer wear some of your equipment.It will be placed in your pack in a few mins.Some equipment has been moved to your backpack.This chest seems to be locked.CLICKRECLICKYou're evil, and must die!You're a murderer, and must die!Thou hast escaped me!Er... thanks.I really hope that wasn't intended as a bribe.I'll just be keeping this.How disgusting! I'll dispose of this.Er... thanks.Er... thanks.If this were the head of a murderer, I would check for a bounty.I shall place this on my mantle!This tasteth like chicken.This tasteth just like the juicy peach I just ate.Ahh! That was the one piece I was missing!Somehow, it reminds me of mother.It's a sign! I can see Elvis in this!Thanks, I was missing mine.I'll put this in the lost-and-found box.My family will eat well tonight!Ah, a head! Let me check to see if there is a bounty on this.Claim houseYou turn the crystal off.You turn the crystal on.This crystal is already linked with that crystal.That crystal has been linked to this crystal.This crystal is out of charges.This crystal can not be recharged.This crystal is already fully charged.You completely recharge the crystal.You recharge the crystal.You can not use this crystal on that.I am sorry, but thou art far to skilled for me to train.I am sorry, but thou lacks the gold for training.You do not have room for the cooked food in your backpack! You stop cooking.You can't use that, it belongs to someone else.You burn the food to a crisp! It's ruined.Looks delicious.Mmmm, smells good.You put the cooked food into your backpack.You can't cook on that.You may not take items from the corpses of the more established players.Some young warrior felled this, and you can not bring yourself to take any items from the corpse.You can not loot that corpse, as you are not the one that felled it and are not yet confident its slayer has taken everything off it they desire.Checking for itemsCreating bagChecking for itemsCreating bagMust have a target value!Script is Done!!disarmedreloadedgot messageswitch one upswitch one downswitch two upswitch two downswitch three upswitch three downswitch four upswitch four downswitch five upswitch five downdisarmeddisarmedYou notice something odd about the frame of the painting.A small plaque on the bottom of the frame reads: 3-4-1-5.A small piece of paper seems to be wedged beneath the throne.You seem not to be able to free the note, but upon it you see the writing: 3-4-1-5.else what?You don't have enough room in your backpack!Target cannot be seen.You don't have enough room in your backpack!As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.Now begone with yer ugly faceAhh! A ghost is touching me!Ye must join a faction before I can serve ye.Argh! Cursed enemy making me fetch ye things!Ahhh! Enemy Faction!! Save me!You must join a Team in order to capture this flag.Ghosts can not capture a flag.This flag can not be captured right now.You can not capture your own flag!You are not close enough to capture.Don't play with things you don't know about.You have resigned from your faction. You will not be able to join another faction for a while.Canceled resignation.Due to your propensity to kill your own teammates, you have been expelled from your faction. You will not be able to join another faction for a while.You just killed your own teammate!You will be expelled from your faction if you kill one more teammate.You scored a kill for your Faction!You will be expelled from your faction if you kill one more of your teammates.Killing your own teammates can result in expulsion from your faction.You will not be able to change factions for one hour.You may resign by saying 'I resign from my faction'Canceled teleportation.You can not currently join this faction because it is too full. Perhaps try another faction or try again later to join this faction.You are already on this faction.You can not join this faction within one hour of joining or resigning from another faction.You must be a part of this faction in order to ressurect here.Try holding a knife...BULLSEYE! 50 Points!Just missed the center! 20 points.10 point shot.5 pointer.1 point. Bad throw.Missed.Select object to debug:The brazier fizzes and pops, but nothing seems to happen.The brazier fizzes and pops, but nothing seems to happen.Heed this warning well, and use this brazier at your own peril.This chest seems to be locked.CLICKRECLICKBUG - NOT TELEPORTINGDisarmedReloadedThou shant not fear, the dangers near, sword, mind and nimble feet shall clear.A warrior in thee, I see, for the depths of this place should challenge thee.Strong of mind, must bind, the tricks of the depths that ye shall find.Nimble of feet, thou shall defeat, what traps of the depths ye mayhaps meet.The dangers one must decide, they do reside, and fear might be thy only guide.Crying shame, 'twas but a game, only thee might uncover the philosopher's name.'Tis but a shame, the secret remains, in the depths of this deep and dark domain.Fear thee well,Thou canst not tell,What beast shall feast,Once thou hast fell.Strength in thy arm,Swift in thy feet,Thy mind shant not flee,Your fate doth swirl, I canst not see.Your fate doth swirl, I canst not see.DisarmingReloadingDisarmedReloadedThis door appears to be locked.SOUND EFFECTSOUND EFFECTreturningAn overwhelming stench churns your stomach.Found floortile already presentYour counselor status has been removed.without renewing until your counselor status is removed.To continue being a Counselor, please re-apply to the web pageunder Help and Guidance / Playguide / Counselors.Enter OBJ_NUM, (X, Y) (X, Y)Object Deletion cancelled.Format for operations area incorrect.A sense of warmth fills your body!A feeling of power surges through your veins!You feel as though you've slept for days!A sense of warmth fills your body!A feeling of power surges through your veins!You feel as though you've slept for days!You feel completely rejuvinated!You have the object variable I'm looking for.transTo was not validNo Trap Location Variable.No Trap Location Variable.say 'x1 y1 x2 y2' to use this[trapped]You have been revealed!You detect that some rest is in order.You have been revealed!You can see nothing hidden there.You find nothing else in your house.Where will you search?Someone else is already using those dice.This door appears to be locked.Checking burners.Not fired up.Already fired up.Fueled up.No fuel.Target at close range.Target at long range.Preparing to breathe.Darn! Missed you!Eat fiery death!Causing damage.Finished causing damage.Gotcha!Causing damage.Finished causing damage.Fill from what?You cannot fill a trashcan with liquid!You cannot fill a ticket barrel with liquid!Can't pour that in there.That has something in it.Can't pour that in there.used water on flourYou make some dough and put it in your backpackNo flour left.Can't pour it there.Can't pour it there.Couldn't pour it there. It was already full.*hic*You feel sober.[trapped]You stepped onto a spike trap!You stepped onto a blade trap!You take damage from an exploding mushroom!You are enveloped by a noxious gas cloud!Select the dye tub to use the dyes on.Use that on a dye tub.You used up the dye.Select the clothing to dye.That is not accessible.Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.Select the clothing to dye.This region has been activated.This region has been deactivated.Changes will not take effect until the region is deactivated and then reactivated.You can't eat that, it belongs to someone else.You are simply too full to eat any more!You eat the food, but are still extremely hungry.You eat the food, and begin to feel more satiated.After eating the food, you feel much less hungry.You feel quite full after consuming the food.You manage to eat the food, but you are stuffed!Whom do you wish to entice?What instrument shall you play?You cannot do that at such a distance!You can't see that.That is not a musical instrument.Whom do you wish to entice?You cannot entice that!You cannot entice yourself!The instrument turns quiet.You hear lovely music, and for a moment are drawn towards it.Your music fails to attract them.You hear lovely music, and are drawn towards it...What am I hearing?You play your hypnotic music, luring them near.They look too dedicated to their job to be lured away.They look too dedicated to their job to be lured away.You might have better luck with sweet words.Oh, but I cannot wander too far from my shop!Hmm, I can't find that lovely music...They seem unable to reach you.It was you playing that lovely music!That sounded spooky.That sounded spooky.I see you already have an escort.I am already being led!I am sorry, but I do not wish to go anywhere.I am already being led!I am sorry, but I do not wish to go anywhere.Ack! My escort has come to haunt me!My escort seems to have abandoned me!adding quantityI fear that I lied about a reward, however. I lack any funds.gave itemWhat would you like to evaluate?He looks smart enough to remember the news. Ask him about it.It looks smarter than a rock, but dumber than a piece of wood.That person could probably calculate the cost of what you buy from them.Hmm, that person looks really silly.You can't focus your mind to evaluate right now.You have recovered from the impure life force absorbtion.The life force of this victim was not pure. You stumble back in pain.Whom do you wish to apply the bandages to?You can't heal that!You apply the bandages, but they do not seem to do any good.Script is Done!!Target cannot be seen.Am I on the ground?Not on ground!Am I at home?Not at home!Now checking for mage region...In the mage shop, all right.Filling chest now...Got room...Adding item...This is a GM only tool.Enter a search command:This is a GM only tool.Invalid mobileEnter the guild abbreviation to look for.Enter the stack threshold number.Starting to execute script to find items on multis...Script is Done!!This is a GM only tool.Enter a search command:This is a GM only tool.Invalid mobileAll mobiles were in valid positions (for flying creatures)entered rangeLOPlosing hpsIM HIT!HAHA it didnt workYou cannot cast this in town!Target cannot be seen.Who will you use the bandages on?You can't do that when you're dead.You can not see that.You cannot heal that.As a young player, you may not use beneficial skills on older players.That is too far away.That creature may only be healed through magical means.That being is not damaged!You begin applying the bandages.You begin applying the bandages.You begin applying the bandages.You begin applying the bandages.You begin applying the bandages.Your fingers slip!You were unable to finish your work before you died.You did not stay close enough to heal your patient!You did not stay close enough to heal your patient!You are able to resurrect your patient.You are unable to resurrect your patient.You heal what little damage your patient had.You apply the bandages, but they barely help.You finish applying the bandages.Bandages can not be used on that.You can't fish while riding!You are already fishing.It does not look as if your backpack can hold more fish.What water do you want to fish in?The fishing pole has seen better days.You need to be closer to the water to fish!You can't reach the water there.You need water to fish in!You cannot see that location.You need to be closer to the water to fish!You can't reach the water there.You need water to fish in!fixme should have been run on all players now.Found floortile already presentYou can't use that, it belongs to someone else.Select the shafts you wish to use this on.Select the feathers you wish to use this on.That belongs to someone else.Can't use feathers on that.Can't use shafts on that.Fletching failed.A feather was destroyed.A shaft was destroyed.DisarmedReloadedReloadedYou need more wheat to make a sack of flour.There is not enough room in your backpack! You stop grinding.inside targetobjShow me the crime.You cannot determine anything useful.This corpse has not been desecrated.You notice nothing unusual.This individual is a thief!You notice nothing unusual.Choose a location to create your forge.You will not be able to put it in your backpack afterwards.Targetobj calledCan't create an forge there.Can't create an forge there.Targetloc calledCan't create an forge there.Can't create an forge there.couldn't find a treeThere is no room in your backpack for the fruit.You pick some fruit and put it in your backpack.There is no more fruit on this treesending this wobble llama oss listSelect the furniture to dye.That is not accessible.That is not a piece of furniture.Furniture must be locked down to paint it.You must be the owner to use this item.You open a magical gate to another locationSomething is blocking the location.That did not seem to work.You can not gate off of ships.Strange, that did not seem to work.Select Marked item.I cannot gate travel from that object.I cannot see that object.I cannot gate travel from that object.Its more fun to fight your way thru a dungeon!I will need more room to cast this next time!You can not teleport from here to the destination.Claim houseNo claim list on this houseClaim List is emptyThou can not resurrect thyself.The resurrecter must be alive.Target is not dead.Target can not be resurrected at that location.Target is not close enough.Target is not a being.Target cannot be seen.Thou must resign from thy other guild first.Thou art already a member of our guild.You are too young to join my guild...Thou art too young to join my guild. Wait a week then return.This guild is for cunning thieves, not oafish cutthroats.You must be at least a journeyman pickpocket to join this elite organization.Thou dost not belong to my guild!You just joined my guild! You must wait a week to resign.I accept thy resignation.Derobed SomeoneSpew spew spew1Already in derobe listTarget DerobedVolunteer List Cleaned OutNewbie List Cleaned OutSpew spew spewSomEONE IS AVAIL!Finding GreeterLists not empty1Sending message to vol2Source is UO GoldSource is not UO GoldDestination is UO GoldDestination is not UO GoldThis power is beyond your ability.You lack the necessary life force.There are no enemies afoot.Whoops...something got in the way.Your cries go unheard.You must be holding a weapon.You must be holding a weapon.You must be holding a weapon.You must be holding a weapon.Your cries go unheard.You are too busy to do this.An invisible shield forms around you.You are too busy to do this.Target cannot be seen.This can only be used against your mortal enemiesYou pick some grapes and put them in your backpack.None of the grapes are ripe enough.You pick some grapes and put them in your backpack.None of the grapes are ripe enough.You are no longer attackable by evil players.Evil players can now attack you at will.HELP!!!As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.Getting guard from use behavior.Getting guard from proximity behavior.Getting guard from attack behavior.Getting guard reaction.Getting patrol distance.This is in a container and cannot be guarded.I am now guarded.I am not guarded anymore.My boss breached guard, so I don't care.Guarding from use.Violated my owner's corpse!Guarding from proximity!Guarding from attack or theft!My guarded mobile died, so I am guarding its corpse!Fell through to default type!Cannot see the guarded object.Not an object in my guardList.Attack override!Please leave that alone.Interposing myself!Attacking the interloper!Couldn't interpret a guard reaction.I am interposed!Can't get a path to interpose.Moved to place to guard.I can't get to that place to guard it effectively.Walking to next patrol point.COuld not reach next patrol point.At next patrol point.I'm guarded but my guard tried to eat me!I am guarding the following:CORPSE BAD (flobbitz)CORPSE OK (flobbitz)[guarded][guarded]You can only teleport a guildstone once a week.You can not teleport this guildstone. It has been placed by an Interest Gamemaster.Use the teleporting object placed in your backpack to move this guildstone.Members of virtue guilds must always display their affiliation.Your godly powers allow you to place this guildstone.Lord British has decreed that no new guilds may be started until the house claiming process has finished.You must resign from your current guild before founding another!You can only place a guildstone in a house.You can only place a guildstone in a house.You may only place a guildstone in a houseYou can only place a guildstone in a house you own!Only one guildstone may reside in a given house.That name is too long.That name is not permissible.Placement of guildstone cancelled.Only one guildstone may reside in on a given house or ship.You can only declare fealty to members of your guild!You are now loyal only to yourself.Member not found in guild roster.That abbreviation is not allowed.That abbreviation is not allowed.That abbreviation is not allowed.That abbreviation is not allowed.Abbreviations may only be three characters long.This guildstone is not in a valid location.This guildstone is not in a valid location.You are the first member of this guild.You are not a member of this guild! To join, ask a current member to invite you into the guild.There are already a dozen candidates awaiting a decision. You cannot submit a candidate at this time.There are currently no candidates for membership.You may only recruit players into the guild.Only the living may be recruited.They are already a guildmember!They are already a candidate.They have already been accepted for membership, and merely need to use the Guildstone to gain full membership.You can only recruit candidates who are not already in a guild.Bad member selection index.You cannot change the name of this guild that frequently!You cannot change the abbreviation for this guild that frequently!There are currently no candidates for membership.There are currently no candidates for membership.That name is too long.That name is disallowed.That abbreviation is disallowed.That title is too long.That title is disallowed.Bad member index.That title is too long.That title is disallowed.There are no current wars.Warfare is not yet operational.There are no other guilds.You are already at war with that guild.You cannot declare war against yourself!This feature will be part of the new reputation / criminal flagging system.You're guild type will be changed in one week.The guild type will be changed in one minute.You are already at war with that guild.You cannot declare war against yourself!You cannot declare war on that.Use the teleporting object previously obtained from this stone to move it to a valid locationYour guildmaster is in the process of moving your stoneThis guildstone is not in a valid location.Until your guildmaster moves this stone, it is not useableCurrently only one guildstone may reside in a house at a time.Invalid location. Guildstones may only be placed in a house that you own and which has no other guildstones in it.This teleporting object can not determine what guildstone to teleportShame on you for attempting to hack the client!You dye your hair.You decide not to dye your hair.There wasn't enough left to have any effect.Who shall partake of the remedy?You are now sober!You are now sober!Your head starts to clear.An awful taste fills your mouth.Thou dost not have 25 gold in thy bank account.I charge 25 gold for docking thy ship. What ship do you want to dock?If ye be needin' to dock yer ship, just stand on the shore and click twice upon the tillerman.He'll dock it for you.If you already gave me a ship, just use your claim ticket as you would any other deed.I am a harbormaster. I dock ships for a fee.Thou dost not have 25 gold in thy bank account.That is too far away.I could not dock the ship.Make sure the deck is clear and the hold is empty.Here is your claim ticket. I suggest you store it in your safety deposit box for safety.You must have the key to the ship you wish to dock.That is not a ship!As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.Target cannot be seen.Thou art a criminal. I shall not resurrect thee.Thou'rt not a decent and good person. I shall not resurrect thee.Thou hast strayed from the path of virtue, but thou still deservest a second chance.Thou'rt not a decent and good person. I shall not resurrect thee.Thou hast strayed from the path of virtue, but thou still deservest a second chance.Thou art a criminal, and I refuse to render aid to thee.I can do no more for you at this time.You look like you need some healing my child.Hm...looks as though you could use some assistance.Please wait for your web browser to start...Please enter a brief description (up to 40 characters) of your problem:Your help request has been entered.The next available Counselor/Game Master will respond as soon as possible. Please check your Journal for messages every few minutes.Help request aborted.BUGYou can't seem to hide right now.You are busy doing something else and cannot hide.You feel to tired to try and hide.You have hidden yourself well.You can't seem to hide here.You are no longer hidden.You already work for me.Sorry, I do not have any jobs available.You are hired.I do not owe you any money! Go away!I cannot afford to pay you all of it, but I will give you what I can.Here is your pay.Hmph, hire someone, and they wander off.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.An invisible shield seems to block your passage!The weapon becomes hot in your hand.The weapon becomes hot in your hand.That mount does not look broken! You would have to tame it to ride it.This isn't your mount; it refuses to let you ride.Housing can not be created in this area.A house key is now at my feet.A house key is now in my safety deposit box.A house key is now in my backpack.Ack, a key could not be created!Lord British has decreed a 'no build' period, thus, you can not build this house at this time.You already own a house, you may not place another!You already a co-owner of a house, you may not place another!You can no longer place tents in Britannia.Where do you wish to build the house?The contents of your tent chest have been placed into your bank. Soon, this tent will be deletedYou have been reimbursed 10,000 gold for your tent.Remember, this tent will be deleted soon and all of its contents will go with it at that timeYou may not enter this house.You are entering a public house.That is locked, but is usable from the inside.That is locked, but you open it with your godly powers.You quickly unlock, open, and relock the door.That is locked.You may not enter.That is locked, but is usable from the inside.That is locked.That is locked, but is usable from the inside.That is locked.This door will not be re-keyed. You must change the locks on your house to get this option again.You are not around your house.This key is not for this house.I now say nothing.Welcome back to the house, friend!Redeeding the house has failed.You register your claim to this house.Claim failed!The ban is lifted.Friend removed from list.Co-owner removed from list.You have been removed as a house co-owner.Shame on you for trying to hack the client!What dost thou wish the sign to say?Only the house owner may change the house locks.Your godly powers allow you to change the locks.Lock changing failed.The locks on your front door have been changed, and new master keys have been placed in your bank and your backpack.Only the house owner may do this.You can only do this from outside the building.Target the person to whom you wish to give this house.Only the house owner may do this.This option is currently disabled, while we evaluate it for game balance.Only the house owner may change this setting.This action will take effect in ten minutes.You can only use this option on public houses.Only the house owner may do this.Only the house owner may add friends.Target the person you wish to name a friend of your household.Only the house owner may remove friends.Only the house owner may remove friends.Only the house owner may do this.You remove your claim to this house.Unclaim failed!You register your claim to this house.Claim failed!Target the individual to ban from this house.Target the individual to eject from this house.Only the house owner may add Co-owners.Target the person you wish to name a co-owner of your household.Only the house owner may remove co-owners.Only the house owner may remove co-owners.This option will not be available until ownership is fully installed.All friends have been removed from this house.All co-owners have been removed from this house.I now say nothing.(under guard protection)(under guard protection)You have been made a friend of this house.You have transferred ownership of the house.You are now the owner of this house. All bans and friends have been removed, and the locks have been changed. New keys have been placed on your backpack and your bank.You have been banned from this house.You have been ejected from this house. If you persist in entering, you may be banned from the house.That person already co-owns a house!You have been made a co-owner of this house.This building is no longer under guard protection.This building is now under the protection of the guards.Uh oh...a bigger boot may be required.You cannot eject that from the house!You cannot eject a friend of the house!You cannot eject this person!You cannot eject this person!You cannot eject a vendor.You may not eject someone who is not in your house!You have been ejected from this house!Uh oh...a bigger boot may be required.The ban limit for this house has been reached!This person is already banned!Error, your banlist is empty!Error, your banlist is empty!You don't have a banlist yet!This person is already the house owner!This person is a friend of the house. Remove them first.That can't be a co-owner of the house.That person is already a house co-owner.That person is already a house owner.This person cannot be a co-owner of the house.This person cannot be a co-owner of the house.This person is banned! Unban them first.Your co-owner list is full!This person is already on your coowner list!This person is already an owner of the house!That can't be a friend of the house.This person cannot be a friend of the house.This person cannot be a friend of the house.This person is banned! Unban them first.Your friends list is full!This person is already on your friends list!Error, your Co-owner List is empty!Error, your Co-owners list is empty!You may only remove yourself.You don't have a Co-owner List yet!Error, your Friends List is empty!Error, your Friends list is empty!You don't have a Friends List yet!Only a player can own a house!Lock changing failed. Can not transfer ownership.Lock changing failed. Can not transfer ownership.You cannot transfer ownership to yourself!You cannot transfer ownership to another house owner or co-owner!You cannot redeed the house with a guildstone inside.You do not have room in your backpack for a house deed.You place the deed in your backpack.You must have a key on you in order to change the locks.You do not seem to have a backpack.You do not have a bank yet. Please access your bank once then try again.No house doors to change locks on.Could not create master keys.You must close the doors before changing the locks.Entering checkInteriorDoorEntered interior lockable door loop.You do not seem to have a backpack.You do not have a bank yet. Please access your bank once and then try again.You must close the doors before changing the locks.You don't have enough room in your backpack for the key!You don't have enough room in your bankbox for the key!You place a lock on the door. New keys have been placed in your backpack and bank box.Failed to create interior lockable door!Cancelled action.You may not place a strongbox.You may not place a strongbox.Housing can not be created in this area.A house can not be created here.Ack, a key could not be created!Ar, I have no ship!Blimey, I have no ship!I have seen no map, sir.The map is too far away from me, sir.The course is completed, sir.Ar, I have no ship!Ar, the anchor is down sir!Ar, put the plank up matey!Yes, sir.Arr, the water is too turbulent to turn sir!Ar, can't turn sir.Ar, we've stopped sir.Ar, turbulent water!Ar, I don't know how to do that, sir.Arg, you are not in command.Ar, this ship has no name.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Yes, sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.This ship now has no name.This ship has no name.Aye aye sir.Yes sir.Er, the ship is not moving sir.Ar, anchor dropped sir.Ar, the anchor was already dropped sir.Ar, anchor raised sir.Ar, the anchor has not been dropped sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Ar, that is not a map, tis but a blank piece of paper!Arrrr, this map has no course on it!A map!Rrrrr, I don't want that! Show me a map!No longer a trash barrel!Only a friend of the house can use me!The trash is full! Emptying!Emptying the trashcan!No longer a trash barrel!Appears to not list any doors.I am too busy fighting to deal with thee!Standard convo trigger executing.Failed convo facing checkI recognize thee!Responding now.You're standing too close, go away.Thou hast been standing next to me an awfully long time.Nothing nearby to scavenge.Scavenge callback going off.running doScavenge()Look what I found here!I found something to scavenge...Hello, I recognize you.I recognize thee!Initializing scavenger behavior.Setting my job location.Initializing scavenger behavior.Setting my job location.Doing my job activity.I am missing my job location.I am too busy to teach thee.I do not train whilst I am working.All known skill slots...Alas, I cannot teach thee anything.Somehow I recognized a skill keyword but didn't see it the second time I checked...'Tis not something I can teach thee of.I cannot teach thee, for thou knowest more than I!I cannot teach thee, for thou knowest all I can teach!Make sure this skill is marked to raise. If you are near the skill cap (700 points) you may need to lose some points in another skill first.I wouldn't presume to teach thee anything!Thou hast not learned enough of other ways to be taught this skill.I recognize that name!Speaker asked about himself.Found something!Excuse me?Being asked where something is.Asked direction to nowhere I recognize.I know not where to find that.I had just stored my need.I am open from five in the morn until eleven at night.I shall not treat with scum like thee!I shall not treat with scum like thee!I shall not treat with scum like thee!I am sorry, I do not have my wares here with me. Let us go back to my shop.Alas, I have no shop! I cannot do business with thee.Hours are from five in the morn until eleven at night.As thou'rt of my same guild, I shall discount my wares to thee.Art thou trying to bribe me?I might be interested in buying this of thee.I am teaching!And the asker is learning.And we agree on what to learn.Failed to get gold resource on item.I require gold in payment!'Tis but a pittance! I require 10 gold at a minimum.And I was paid.Overpaid, even.Let me show thee something of how this is done.Your skill level increases.Found a food match.Found a desire match.Thank thee kindly!Accepting item.Oops, I dropped it.Oops, I dropped it.This tasteth good.I thank thee.Refusing item.I am not interested in this.Seems the ground is cluttered as is your backpack.Thy pack seems full, so I will put it at your feet.Thy hands are full, so here 'tis, in your backpack.Seems the ground is cluttered as is your backpack.Thy pack seems full, so I will put it at your feet.Thy hands are full, so here 'tis, in your backpack.I am remembering Starting convo pause.Ending convo pause.We are not facing each other.Static objects at target:You have been suspended by the Thieves Guild.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.You can't see that object well enough to identify it.This magic item is out of charges.REL WISFor whatever reason, the person helping you has decided to defer you to someone else.The next available companion will assist you.The person helping you has disconnected from the game for some reason.The next available companion will pick up where they left off.pointPlayerToLocation called: 1The arrow shall guide you during your quest.Your quest has been cancelled!Your quest has been cancelled!Your quest has been cancelled!Your quest has been cancelled!Your quest has been cancelled!Your quest has been cancelled!Try talking to shopkeepers to learn more about your skills.Whom do you wish to incite?What instrument shall you play the music on?You cannot see that.That is too far away.That is too far away.That isn't a musical instrument.Whom do you wish to incite?Verbal taunts might be more effective!You can't incite that!They are too loyal to their master to be provoked.Think not that I fail to see what thou art doing!You hear the music and are strangely angered...You can't tell someone to attack themselves!Because of your young status in Britannia you can not provoke the beast onto another player yet.You can not provoke the beast onto this player.You play rather poorly, and to no effect.You cracked your instrument.You hear the music and realize that the musician is trying to get you angry...!Your music fails to incite enough anger.Thou mayst have angered me, but I am not stupid!Your anger coalesces into hatred, and you move to attack!Your music succeeds, as you start a fight.Guards! Help!Incognito can not be cast on that.You are already disguised.That scroll belongs to someone else.I cannot see that scroll.You don't have a spellbook.You can't inscribe any spells.That book belongs to someone else.Can't copy an empty book.Select a book to copy this to.sourcebook is not null.Cannot write into that book.Cannot write into that book.Cannot copy a book onto itself.You fail to make a copy of the book.You make a copy of the book.You have waited too long to make your inscribe selection, your inscription attempt has timed out.What would you like to inscribe?Someone else is inscribing that item.You did not have the correct components for the creation of a rune book.This rune has been marked, and can not be used to craft a rune book.Can't inscribe that item.You seem to have lost track of your scroll.You do not have any space in your backpack for the inscribed scroll! You stop inscribing.You lack the necessary reagents to inscribe this spell.You fail to inscribe the scroll, and the scroll is ruined.You inscribe the spell and put the scroll in your backpack.You fail to inscribe the scroll, and the scroll is ruined.You have failed to create the rune book.There is not enough room in your backpack for the rune book.You have created a rune book.Error! This is a bug, please report it!That is locked, but is usable from the inside.That is locked, but is usable from the inside.That is locked, but you open it with your godly powers.You quickly unlock, open, and relock the door.That is locked.As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.You cannot make an inanimate object invisible.You cannot make an inanimate object invisible.[locked down][locked down & secure]This is a private home.This item is secure but your Godly powers allow access.That is secure.You cannot use this unless you are the owner.This is a private home.This item is secure but your Godly powers allow access.That is secure.You cannot use this unless you are the owner.You cannot use this unless you are the owner.This item is secure but your Godly powers allow access.That is secure.(no longer secure)(no longer locked down)That is lockeddownYou have been released from jailThis key now unlocks:That key is unreachable.What shall I use this key on?This is a key blank. Which key would you like to make a copy of?This key unlocks:Enter a description for this key:You can't unlock that!Entered interior lockable door loop.This key doesn't seem to unlock that.Public houses are always unlocked.You cannot currently unlock that.You can not currently lock that.You disable the trap temporarily. Lock it again to re-enable it.You re-enable the trap.This key is unreachable.This key is also a blank.You make a copy of the key.You fail to make a copy of the key.The key was destroyed in the attempt.You can't make a copy of that.What do you want to unlock?no container at slotnot a containerdumpingputYou open the keyring.entered else for tryInteriordoortryInteriorDoor, succeedednot a keyOnly non-blank keys can be put on a keyring.a keyYou put the key on the keyring.Welcome to the Abyss shard. To see how many kill points you have accumulated say 'How many kill points have I'.This victim is not worth enough to get kill points from. You can't ignite that, it belongs to someone else.There is not a spot nearby to place your campfire.You fail to ignite the campfire.You have successfully created a campfire. If you wait for a few moments, you will get a message indicating it is safe for you to logout. You have completed your task, follow the back to the person that sent you on this quest.You can not disguise yourself while incognitoed.You can not disguise yourself while polymorphed.Cheaters never win.Cheaters never win.Only Members of the thieves guild are trained to use this item.You are currently suspended from the thieves guild. They would frown upon your actions.You can not disguise yourself while incognitoed.You can not disguise yourself while polymorphed.Disguises wear off after 2 hours.You're looking good.I have been disarmed.I have been reloaded.The door won't budge.Objects Here:This isn't a container!Lockdown FailedThis is already secure!You may not secure this container!Secure!This isn't secure...No longer secure!This is already locked down!You failed to lockdown this container.Locked down!This isn't locked down...You're house reports 0 locked down items. Please report this bug at container has locked down items in it. Release them first.You're house reports 0 secure items. Please report this bug at longer locked down!You cannot lock that down!You cannot lock that down!This item cannot be locked down.You cannot lockdown a guildstone.You can only lock down an object in a house!I cannot lock this down!You cannot lock down a door!You can only lock down an object in a house!You must be in a house you own!You must lockdown the container first!You need not lock down items in a secure container.You cannot lockdown a corpseYou cannot lock this down under the house sign!You cannot lock this down near a door!You cannot lock down an item near stairs or steps.You have reached the lockdown limit of this house.Error: No current lockdown limit!Error: Lockdown limit is Zero!It appears to be locked, but you open it with your godly powers.It appears to be locked.It appears to be locked.Issuing callback.Callback received.The corpse is null!Too busy fighting to loot.Walking over to loot now.Let's see what there is to loot!The corpse is empty!Found an item in the valid range.Nothing worth taking.This was so much fun, I'm going to do it again!I made it to the corpse, so let's loot!I saw a death!But I wasn't the killer, so never mind.You cannot cast this on a locked down item.Target must be an unlocked chest.The chest is now locked!Hmmm...I can't lock that.You cannot cast this on a being.You cannot cast this on a locked down item.Hm...I can't trap this item.Start as the sun and move with time. Consider A FEW before the elements are placed, for a lack of order can bring Relvinian's bane.Once thy decision has been made, proceed to the altar and between the flames pronounce the Master's name.You swallow the fish whole!You swallow the fish whole!You swallow the fish whole!You swallow the fish whole!You swallow the fish whole!This spell is already in effect.If you had been closer, you might have stepped in and met a gruesome fate!Hmm... you suspect that if you used this again, it might hurt.You make an arrow and put it in your backpack.You make some arrows and put them in your backpack.You make a bolt and put it in your backpack.You make some bolts and put them in your backpack.You fumble and lose some feathers and shafts.You feel yourself resisting magical energy.You feel yourself resisting magical energy.The lost lands are uncharted, and maps may not be made here.Select the map upon which to draw.This is not a map.You cannot overwrite this carefully hand-drawn map!You must wait before trying again.The map no longer exists.That map has already been usedMaking the map now.Thy trembling hand results in an unusable map.With great care, thou dost make a chart of the geography.Failed to create map obj.That did not seem to work.I cannot mark that object.I cannot see that object.I cannot mark that object.You can not mark an object at that location.I cannot mark that rune.Thy spell doth not appear to work...That rune is not yet marked.Please enter a description for this marked object:That rune is not yet marked.Request cancelled.Due to your exceptional skill, this item's quality is higher than average.You mark the item.Cancelled mark.Target cannot be seen.Target cannot be seen.Double click the dummy to practice your fighting skillsDouble click the dummy to increase your stealing skill...Practice on the dummy for a while and then return to the person that gave you this task.You have to wait until it stops swinging.You are too far away to do that.barehandtwohandpiercingbashingslashingYou can't practice ranged weapons on this.changing to 4211changing to 4215trying to update the pointer arrowdummy is calling pointPlayerToLocationYou have completed your quest! Return to the person that gave you this task.Your skill cannot improve any further by simply practicing with a dummy.You can't practice on this while on a mount.Your ability to steal cannot improve any further by simply practicing on a dummy.You carelessly bump the dip and start it swinging.changing to 7873changing to 7876You successfully avoid disturbing the dip while searching it.Guild list:Do I know you?Have we met?I don't know what you're talking about.That particular item costs 700 gold pieces.Thanks.error creating slave objectfailed to teleport slaveObjmy slave has returnedbugYou are busy doing something else and cannot focus.You are at peace.Inebriation is not conducive to meditation.You cannot focus your concentration.The mind is strong, but the body is weak.You cannot focus your concentration.You enter a meditative trance.Target cannot be seen.Target is too far away.You cannot cast this on a secure item.Your magic seems to have no effect.That isn't trapped.This spell won't work on that!Where do you wish to dig?You cannot see that location.That is too far away.You dig and dig but fail to find any treasure.You can't mine there.You can't mine that.You can't mine while riding.You can't mine while polymorphed.There is no metal here to mine.You have moved too far away to continue mining.Someone has gotten to the metal before you.You loosen some rocks but fail to find any useable ore.Missing template objvar!going to 667going to 666going to Moonglowgoing to Britaingoing to Jhelomgoing to Yewgoing to Minocgoing to Trinsicgoing to Skara Braegoing to Magenciadefault casedefault caseYou are not famous enough to buy this!You are not famous enough to build this!You already own one of those!This house is now public. Friends of the house may now have vendors working out of this building.You have vendors working out of this building. It cannot be declared private until there are no vendors in place.This house is now private.Select the clothing to dye.Can't Dye clothing that is being worn.You extract the message from the bottle.I should summon a ghost to kill you necromancer!You smell the unmistakable odor of brimstone!You are spared any form of torment from below.You are too busy with something else.On what shall I be used?You cannot reach that.The power of Necromancy is now yours......This is not a proper item for necromancy.That bag belongs to someone else.A mysterious new spell is added to your necromantic Skull!You don't know that spell.You don't have enough mana to cast that spell!You don't have the proper reagents.You don't know that spell.You don't have enough mana to cast that spell!You don't have the proper reagents.You don't know that spell.You don't have enough mana to cast that spell!You don't have the proper reagents.You don't know that spell.You don't have enough mana to cast that spell!You don't have the proper reagents.You don't know that spell.You don't have enough mana to cast that spell!You don't have the proper reagents.You don't know that spell.You don't have enough mana to cast that spell!You don't have the proper reagents.You must have a necromantic candle to cast spells.You must have a necromantic candle to cast spells.You must have a necromantic candle to cast spells.You must have a necromantic candle to cast spells.You must have a necromantic candle to cast spells.You must have a necromantic candle to cast spells.This isn't your ticket! Shame on you! You have to use YOUR ticket.Target any other ticket marked NEW PLAYER to win a prize.You can't target the same ticket!You will need to select a ticket.That is not a valid ticket.You need to find another ticket marked NEW PLAYER.A black dye tub has been placed in your backpack.A coupon for a free hair restyling has been placed in your backpack.A piece of ranger armor has been placed in your backpack.A wand of fireworks has been placed in your backpack.A spyglass has been placed in your backpack.The dyes and dye tub have been placed in your backpack.You can't be shadowform and nightform at the same time!My color!As a young player, you may not use this spell.Target cannot be seen.That location is blocked.Target cannot be seen. Try again.That location is blocked.obsceneokaySelect lantern to refuel.You are being logged out if this works.That flour belongs to someone else.Someone is using that flour.Mix the flour with water to make doughYou make some dough and put it in your backpackYou make some dough and put it in your backpackCan't use flour on that.Your spirit lacks the cohesion for gate travel at this time.Message added.No messages are set.Enter the keyword that will trigger this response.That's what I wanted!Took it.That keyword was not found.Oracle string removed.Enter the text of the oracle message:Enter the keyword of the message to remove:All oracle messages cleared.I'm sorry, the ranks of the knights are currently full.A pity.To get your shield, ask any of Lord British's Guards.That ore belongs to someone else.Someone is using that ore.Select the forge on which to smelt the ore, or another pile of ore with which to combine it.Select another pile of ore with which to combine this.You can not use that.You are dead.That is too far away.The ore is too far away.You can't see that.The weight is too great to combine in a container.You cannot combine ores of different metals.You cannot combine ores of different metals.You cannot combine ores of different metals.You cannot combine ores of different metals.You cannot combine ores of different metals.You cannot combine ores of different metals.You cannot combine ores of different metals.You have no idea how to smelt this strange ore!There is not enough metal-bearing ore in this pile to make an ingot.You smelt the ore removing the impurities and put the metal in your backpack.You burn away the impurities but are left with no useable metal.You burn away the impurities but are left with less useable metal.You are too fatigued to even lift a finger.You fail to peek into the animal's pack.Your pet looks happier.For your heroic deeds you are granted the title of hero.As a young player, you may not use this spell.Target cannot be seen.This spell cannot be used on this person.I made it!hrmph, I failed.Debug mode activated on pet/hireling script.Failed to find myBoss list varVery well.Sorry, but no.I do not understand.I quit.(tame)Dead trying to talk.Parsing a command.Name not found.Name only thing found.Passed the dead check.Got order to attack.Who should I attack?Select the victim.Got order to guard.Tell me what to guard.Click on the object, person, or place to guard.Got order to befriend.I shall obey this person's orders as if they were your own.Click on the player whom you wish to make a co-owner.Got order to patrol.Patrolling.Your pet begins to patrol.Stopping patrol.Your pet stops patrolling.Who shall I follow?Click on the person to follow.I am already carrying too much.Your pet couldn't possibly carry any more.What shall I get for you?Click on the object to fetch.Got order to come.Got order to drop.I thank thee for thy kindness!Very well, I am no longer guarding or following.I cannot be transferredWhom do you wish me to work for?Click on the person to transfer ownership to.*looks confused*As a young player, you may not friend pets to older players.As an older player, you may not friend pets to young players.You can only have a pet guard your own corpse.Items in other people's houses or ships cannot be guarded.Only your pets may be guarded.Items in containers cannot be guarded.This can not be guarded by a pet or hireling.done any guarding I'd do, returning.I am no murderer!Attacking!Uhh... Sure. If you say so. Uh-huh. No problem. Soon as it gives an order, I'll obey...As a young player, you may not transfer pets to older players.As an older player, you may not transfer pets to young players.Uhh... Sure. If you say so. Uh-huh. No problem. Soon as it gives an order, I'll obey...That's a silly thing to do.Very well, I transfer my allegiance.I see no way to reach thee!I see no way to reach you!Failed to find pathFound pathYour pet looks happier.This is counterfeit gold!Thou must pay me more than this!Your pet looks rather unhappy.A piece of phoenix armor has been placed in your backpack.A piece of phoenix armor has been placed at your feet.The pick simply is too worn to use again.Remember! Locked chests may also be trapped!What do you want to pick?This does not appear to be locked.I am too far away to do that.That is secureYou don't see how that lock can be manipulated.This lock cannot be picked by normal means...You broke the lockpick.You are unable to pick the lock.The lock quickly yields to your skill.You are not fast enough to wear this.You are not fast enough to wear this.The instrument played its last tune.Thank you for participating. Your thoughts are important to us.Thank you for participating. Your thoughts are important to us.You will not be asked again about this poll.You will be given the chance to vote the next time you log in.Opening web browser for more details on Siege Perilous...You have chosen to renouce your `Young' player status.You have chosen not to renounce your `Young' player status.You have been ejected from this house!A special gift has been placed in your backpack.You cannot be a member of the Thieves' Guild while you are Young.Click on the player whom you wish to honor.Your words fall silently to the floor.You must be in your house to do this.Your words fall silently to the floor.You must be in your house to do this.You must be in your house to do this.You must own the house to do this.Lock what down?You must be in your house to do this.You must own the house to do this.Choose the item you wish to releaseYou must be in your house to do this.You must own the house to do this.Choose the item you wish to secureYou must be in your house to do this.You must own the house to do this.Choose the item you wish to unsecureYou must be in your house to do this.You are not a co-owner of this hosue.Owners do not get a strongbox of their own.You cannot place a strong box there!This is not a valid location.You already have a strongbox!You cannot place a strongbox near a door or near steps.You have a new strongbox. Only you and the houseowner may access this box. You may place up to 25 items in the strongboxYou must be in your house to do this.You must own the house to do this.You already have a trash barrel!You cannot place a trash barrel there!This is not a valid location.You cannot place a trash barrel near a door or near steps.You have a new trash barrel. Three minutes after you put something in the barrel, the trash will be emptied. Be forewarned, this is permanent!Fear not, thou hast not slain the innocent.Thou art known throughout the land as a murderous brigand.Fear not, thou hast not slain the innocent in some time...Although thou hast slain the innocent, thy deeds shall not bring retribution upon thy return to the living.If thou should return to the land of the living, the innocent shall wreak havoc upon thy soul.You can only honor players.You flatter grant occurs--you are at less than 50 karmaYou are no longer qualified to be a member of your guild.Guild message: Your guild has been disbanded!It would not be wise to place a bounty in this land, but you report the knave for murderer anyway.You have been suspended by the Thieves Guild.You are now known as a murderer!You now own the house that you claimed!The poison seems to have worn off.Select the poison you wish to use.That is too far away for you to use.That is not a poison potion.That is not a poison potion.That is not usable.To what do you wish to apply the poison?The poison vial not usable.That is not usable.You cannot poison that! You can only poison bladed or piercing weapons, food or drink.You cannot poison that! You can only poison bladed or piercing weapons.No poison strength found! Error!You make a grave mistake while applying the poison.Ow!You are already poisonedNo poison strength found! Error!You make a grave mistake while applying the poison.Ah!You are already poisonedYou have been inflicted by an even deadlier poison!Polymorph effect happeningPolymorph effect happeningPolymorph effect happeningPolymorph effect happeningPolymorph effect happeningPolymorph effect happeningPolymorph effect happeningremoving itemsthisfuckedupYou are already casting that spell.Unknown body typeYou cannot polymorph while disguised.You cannot polymorph while disguised.It is locked.The portcullis is in motion. You can't stop it now.This would not be safe to cast in town.You must have a free hand to drink a potion.You are already under a similar effect.You must have a free hand to drink a potion.The potion seems to have no effect.The potion seems to have no effect.You must have a free hand to drink a potion.You are already affected by this type of potion.Your skin becomes extremely sensitive to light, changing to mirror the colors of things around you.Bleargh, this potion seems to have spoiled.You feel dizzy and somewhat nauseous.Bleargh, this potion seems to have spoiled.Your brain feels like it is on fire!Bleargh, this potion seems to have spoiled.You feel momentarily dizzy.Your hunger has vanished.You must have a free hand to drink a potion.The potion seems to have no effect.The potion seems to have no effect.You reform.You disintegrate.Your skin returns to normal.An invisible shield forms around you.An invisible shield seems to block your passage!You must have a free hand to drink a potion.You are already affected by this type of potion.This would overload the magical energies on your body and cause you to explode. Bad idea.Your skin turns to steel!You must have a free hand to drink a potion.You are already affected by this type of potion.This would overload the magical energies on your body and cause you to explode. Bad idea.Your skin turns to stone!You feel much less hungry.You are already affected by this.You are already affected by this.You are already affected by this.You must have a free hand to drink a potion.Checking for an owner.I have an owner......but it's not you!I have a clueless owner......and you're clueless.Can't make you an owner, since you're already an owner.You're holding me, so I'm yours!Nobody else owns me, so you can have me.You know nothing about me!Nothing comes out of the tap!You can not use that.You can not reach that.You can't seem to reach the spigot!Someone else is already using this item.The keg is empty.You cannot use that.You cannot reach that.The potion is already in that keg!You cannot transfer potions directly from one keg to another.That cannot be used to hold a potion.There is nothing in the keg to taste!You are already familiar with this keg's contents.There seems to be nothing in the keg.You are unable to identify the contents.The keg is not designed to hold that type of object.The keg will not hold any more!You don't know what's in either container, but the contents look similar...You don't know what that potion is, so you decide not to pour it into the keg.You decide that it would be a bad idea to mix different types of potions.You place the empty bottle in your backpack.You don't have room for the empty bottle in your backpack.You place the empty bottle in your backpack.You leave the empty bottle with the keg.Where is a container for your potion?You pour some of the keg's contents into an empty bottle......and place it into your backpack....but there is no room for the bottle in your backpack.The keg is now empty.The keg is empty.The keg is completely full.The keg is nearly empty.The keg is not very full.The keg is about one quarter full.The keg is about one third full.The keg is almost half full.The keg is more than half full.The keg is approximately half full.The keg is about three quarters full.The keg is very full.The liquid is almost to the top of the keg.The keg is completely full.The keg is damaged.You don't look experienced enough to take care of me!HELP!Help me!Canst thou aid me?!Help a poor prisoner!Help! Please!Aaah! Help me!Go and get some help!Quickly, I beg thee! Unlock my chains! If thou dost look at me close thou canst see them.*The chains are open.*adding quantityI fear that I lied about a reward, however. I lack any funds.gave itemThat can not be protected.As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.Guards can now be called on you!Guards can no longer be called on you.You can only do this to one piece of food at a time.Select the food to putrify:No selection.You can't putrify that!Initializing quest egg.Failed to find NPCs near quest egg, aborting.Adding a new quest: order.Failed to find a protagonist.I am already an actor!I am now a quest actor!Entered completeQuestRemoving questEggIdpointPlayerToLocation called: 1Follow the arrow to complete your task.Entered pickEggLocationcalling initQuestLocationreturned from initQuestLocationsetting questLocation objVarquestLocation objVar setreturning fooCalling pickEggLocationA quest egg has been created.Entered function doQuestRewardpointPlayerToLocation called: 0Sending player reward message.Entered hasOngoingQuestquestSender does not match this NPCPlayer still has questEggIDEntered function giveReturnMessageHast thou brought me what I sent thee for?Hast thou brought me what I sent thee for?Hast thou brought me what I sent thee for?You are not a quester.You are not MY quester.You didn't have any desired item typesWhy art thou giving me this? 'Tis not what I asked thee for.Calling configureSendercompleted configureSenderFollow the arrow, for it shall guide you during your task.Calling layEggcompleted layEggpointPlayerToLocation called: 1I thank thee! In that case, I wash my hands of the task. Here is the item.questEggID added to you.Trigger enterrange activated (quest_egg.wxx)No questEggID objvar foundquestEggID does not match this one!target is dead. No quest for you!entered function activateEgg()barking quest approach messagecreatingGlobalNPCcreatingGlobalObjectAtDeleting nodraw.You lop off the head!Player is dead. Returning.Player cannot see Quest Sender.calling hasOngoingQuestI have no task for you, perhaps another shopkeeper has something for you to do.Entering area checkEntered enterrange triggerI'm sorry, you aren't my questor.QuestEgg failed to recognize quester!QuestEgg doesn't have ObjListVar questInfodump!Opening Generic QuestInfoDump gumpCalling completeQuestI've been destroyed!Your blows seem unable to harm this!You have completed your task! You may return to the person who told you to kill this.This spell has been temporarily disabled.This spell is temporarily disabled.This spell has been temporarily disabled.As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.This target already has Reactive ArmorThis target is not valid. It must be a being or person.Strange, that did not seem to work.You can not recall off of a ship.Strange, that did not seem to work.Target is not marked.This location is not valid.I cannot see that object.I cannot recall from that object.I cannot recall from that object.Thou art too encumbered to move.You can not teleport into that area.You can not teleport into that area from here.This key doesn't appear to unlock anythingApparently, the ship cannot be found.You suddenly feel mentally centered and focused!You feel less focused.You do not know enough about locks. Become better at picking locks.You are not perceptive enough. Become better at detect hidden.Which trap will you attempt to disarm?You hesitate, and decide to start again.Oops.You breathe a sigh of relief, as you fail to disarm the trap, but don't set it off.You fail to disarm the trap...but you don't set it off.That doesn't appear to be trapped.You carefully remove the trigger for the purple potion.You carefully remove the dart from the firing mechanism.The poison leaks harmlessly away due to your deft touch.You successfully render the trap harmlessA purple potion explodes in your face!A poison potion explodes and envelopes you in noxious gas!A dart imbeds itself in your flesh!You can not move!You can move!Who would you like the status of?errorYour pack cannot hold this item.You have no backpack.You cannot create an item here.This item will not fit inside your backpack.Something starts to form, but you fail to bring it to fruitition.Thou hast wandered too far from the site of thy resurrection!Thou can not be resurrected there!As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.Your spirit easily returns to corporeal form.Your spirit easily returns to corporeal form.With some effort your spirit returns to corporeal form.Your spirit barely manages to return to corporeal form.Your spirit returns to corporeal form, but is too weak to do so a gain for a while.Your spirit was too weak to return to corporeal form.Your spirit was too weak to return to corporeal form.Target cannot be seen.This runebook is full.That is inaccessable.This book needs time to recharge.This book needs time to recharge.That is inaccessable.This book needs time to recharge.This book needs time to recharge.Nothing selected.This rune does not have a marked location.This book already has the maximum amount of charges.This place in the book is empty.There are no charges left on that item.That cannot be done while the book is locked down.Please enter a title for the runebook:Request cancelled.That cannot be done while the book is locked down.New default location set.Location was not valid.That cannot be done while the book is locked down.You have no room for a rune in your backpack.You have removed the rune.There is no rune to be dropped.This place in the book is empty.This place in the book is empty.Thank thee kindly!Oops, I dropped it.This tasteth good.I am not interested in this.Thy hands are full, so here 'tis, on the ground.CALLBACK_TRAP_STOP_ANIMWhat would you like to weigh?That is too heavy for these scales!The scissors are too dull to even cut butter.What should I use these scissors on?There is no material left on that.That is not accessible.Items you wish to cut must be in your backpack.Items you wish to cut must be in your backpack.Items you wish to cut must be in your backpack.Scissors can not be used on that to produce anything.a tattered scrollYou lack the will to connect to the netherworld.You fail your attempt at contacting the netherworld.You establish contact with the netherworld.You feel your contacts with the netherworld fade.You have already used this gate once.You have already used an advancement gate OR your character has not existed for at least three hours!You can not hold the item.You can not hold this item.What would you like to modify?Unknown skill typeValue too high. 0-100 onlyIt appears to be locked.I should be lockedIt appears to be locked.callback receivedNot a supported teleporter location.trap is suppsed to reset nowtrap is suppsed to reset nowtrap is suppsed to reset nowtrap is suppsed to reset nowThe lever seems to be blocked by a mechanism of some sort.You can't be nightformed and shadowform at the same time!Target the animal you wish to herd.Target can not be seen.Someone else is already taming this.That animal looks tame already.That is not a herdable animal.That being can not be tamed.You broke your shepherd's crook.That wasn't even challenging.You don't seem to be able to persuade that to move.following userThe animal begins to follow you.Click where you wish the animal to go.That is not a herdable animal.Target can not be seen.going to locationThe animal walks where it was instructed to.You are too far away from the location at which the ship was docked.That location is too far away.Where do you wish to place the ship?A ship's key is now at my feet.A ship's key is now in my safety deposit box.A ship's key is now in my backpack.Ack, a key could not be created!That location is too far away.You can not place a ship inside a dungeon.Where do you wish to place the ship?You must be on the ship to open the hold.I can not open the hold while the ship is moving.I cannot find the ship!You appear to be dead.You must have a key to the ship to dock the boat.You cannot dock the ship with beings on board!You cannot dock the ship with a cluttered deck.Make sure your hold is empty, and try again!There's not enough room in your pack to do this!Ship docking failed!Cancelled action.did naked hackThat is locked, but you open it with your godly powers.That is locked.That is locked.Ar, I refuse to take that matey through here!Ar, I refuse to take that matey through here!Ar, Legend has it that these pillars are inactive! No man knows how it might be undone!Ar, I refuse to take that matey through here!Ar, I refuse to take that matey through here!TELEPORTINGAr, I have no ship!Blimey, I have no ship!I have seen no map, sir.The map is too far away from me, sir.The course is completed, sir.Ar, I have no ship!Ar, the anchor is down sir!Ar, put the plank up matey!Yes, sir.Arr, the water is too turbulent to turn sir!Ar, can't turn sir.Ar, we've stopped sir.Ar, turbulent water!Ar, I don't know how to do that, sir.Arg, you are not in command.Ar, this ship has no name.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Yes, sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.This ship now has no name.This ship has no name.Aye aye sir.Yes sir.Er, the ship is not moving sir.Ar, anchor dropped sir.Ar, the anchor was already dropped sir.Ar, anchor raised sir.Ar, the anchor has not been dropped sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Aye aye sir.Ar, that is not a map, tis but a blank piece of paper!Arrrr, this map has no course on it!A map!Rrrrr, I don't want that! Show me a map!This ship now has no name.What dost thou wish to name thy ship?I cannot find the ship!You appear to be dead.You must have a key to the ship to dock the boat.You cannot dock the ship with beings on board!You cannot dock the ship with a cluttered deck.Make sure your hold is empty, and try again!There's not enough room in your pack to do this!Ship docking failed!Cancelled action.Thy deeds are those of a scoundrel; thou shalt not be resurrected here.Thy deeds are those of a scoundrel; thou shalt not be resurrected here.You are forgiven.Thou art too young to choose this fate.Thou art too young to choose this fate.You are now evil.Thy poison has been cured.Thy efforts for the resistance are rewarded.Strive to continue on the path of benevolence.Thy efforts for the resistance are rewarded.Strive to continue on the path of benevolence.The weak deserve their fate.Do more to help others.I can not help thee.Moving Items now.Moving Items.Select the pile of bones to animate.A minion of bones...That is unusable for transforming into a skeleton.uh oh, failed to teleport back to my master*The slime splits when struck!*No dest Object variable found.teleportingteleport failedteleport succeded.You launch a firework!Wait until the one in the air has exploded first.Shame on you for attempting to hack the client!You dye your facial hair.You have no facial hair and cannot use this.You decide not to dye your hair.Shame on you for attempting to hack the client!You dye your hair.You have no hair to dye and you cannot use this.You decide not to dye your hair.Insufficient mana for this spell.Your hands must be free to cast spells or meditate.Your hands must be free to cast spells or meditate.Your hands must be free to cast spells or meditate.You can not cast spells here.More reagents are needed for this spell.BUG! Please report: Invalid takeReagent return.The spell fizzles.You must have a free hand to drink a potion.You must have a free hand to drink a potion.You feel yourself resisting magical energy!You feel yourself resisting magical energy!You feel yourself resisting magical energy!You feel yourself resisting magical energy!Target can not be seen.Target is too far away.You must equip this item to use it.You are already casting a spell.You can not cast a spell while frozen.You have to wait for the spell to have an effect.You are already casting a spell.You can not cast a spell while frozen.Target cannot be seen.Target is too far away.You cannot cast that on yourself.You may not cast that on another player, because you are Young.You may not cast that on the Young.CALLBACK_TRAP_STOP_ANIMYou can't use that, it belongs to someone else.Someone is using that.What spinning wheel do you wish to spin this on?That spinning wheel is being used.That spinning wheel is being used.Use that on a spinning wheel.You do not have enough space for this in your backpack!You do not have enough space for this in your backpack!Choose a location to create your spinning wheel.You will not be able to put it in your backpack afterwards.Targetobj calledCan't create a spinning wheel there.Can't create a spinning wheel there.Targetloc calledCan't create a spinning wheel there.Can't create a spinning wheel there.The spirits are not intune to your desires as of yet.I am sorry, my stables are full.But I have no animals stabled with me at the moment!HA HA HA! Sorry, I am not an inn.I can not stable summoned creatures.That's not tame to anyone!That's not tame to anyone!That's not your pet!But thou hast not the funds in thy bank account!I am sorry, but my stables are full.Very well, thy pet is stabled. Thou mayst recover it by saying 'claim' to me. In one real world week, I shall sell it off if it is not claimed!Stat(s) fixedSOUND EFFECTSOUND EFFECTreturningThis door appears to be locked.SOUND EFFECTSOUND EFFECTreturningThis object can not be placed there, as the magic of another object at this location is preventing it.You decide to place it into your backpack for now.You will need to turn this on or off before you lock this down.You must be the owner to use this.This must be in a house and be locked down to work.Remember, this only works when locked down.Cancelled action.[Turned On][Turned Off]You cannot attempt to steal in the heat of combat!Which item will you attempt to steal?You cannot steal from the Young.You cannot steal from people or monsters right now. Practice on chests and barrels.You cannot attempt to steal in the heat of combat!You cannot attempt to steal in the heat of combat!You must be standing next to an item to steal it.You catch yourself red-handed.You are not a member of the thieves guild.You are currently suspended from the thieves guild.You are not a member of the thieves guild.You can't steal from this.You can't steal from vendors.You can't steal that.You can't steal that.You could not carry this item.You could not carry this item.You cannot steal this item.This item has no value to you.You can't steal that.You cannot steal what cannot be seen...You cannot steal a locked down item.You cannot steal what cannot be seen...You can't steal that.You can't steal that.This item is too heavy to steal from someone's backpack.You fail to steal the item.You successfully steal the item.You must hide firstYou are not hidden well enough. Become better at hiding.You could not hope to move quietly wearing this much armor.It will be tremendouly difficult to move quietly with this many people around.Better hide under a tree and get some rest first.You begin to move quietly.You fail in your attempt to move unnoticed.As a young player, you may not cast beneficial spells onto older players.I can't find my owner. No longer secure!You cannot use this unless you are the owner.You cannot use this unless you are the owner.That is secure.That is secureI cannot find the owner! No longer secure!I can't find the house! No longer secure!There are no co-owners on this house! No longer secure!The owner of this strongbox is no longer a coowner. No longer secure!You can not summon in this area.There is no room to summon that here.Whoops...something got in the way.You can not summon in this area.There is no room to summon that here.Whoops...something got in the way.I must use a human corpse.Something is in the way.I must use a human corpse.Something is in the way.You can not summon in this area.There is no room to summon that here.Whoops...something got in the way.You can not summon in this area.There is no room to summon that here.Whoops...something got in the way.You can not summon in this area.There is no room to summon that here.Whoops...something got in the way.You can not summon in this area.There is no room to summon that here.Whoops...something got in the way.Select the target for the swarm:You can't summon insects there!You are too busy with something else.What would you like to make?You create the item and put it in your backpack.You create the item and put it at your feet.Please select the cloth you would like to use.You cannot reach that.That cloth belongs to someone else.Someone else is using that cloth.There's not enough material on that.That cloth belongs to someone else.Someone else is using that cloth.There's not enough of the right type of material on that.That's not the proper material.You do not have enough leather to make this item.You don't have room for the item in your pack, so you stop working on it.You don't have room for the item and leftovers in your pack, so you stop working on it.You place the left-over cloth pieces into your backpackYou place the left-over cloth pieces into your backpackDue to your exceptional skill, its quality is higher than average.You were barely able to make this item. It's quality is below average.You create the item and put it in your backpack.You create the item and put it at your feet.You throw the useless pieces away.Tame which animal?Will you be my friend?I've always wanted a pet like you.Don't be afraid.I won't hurt you.The animal is too angry to continue taming.You are too far away to continue taming.You are dead, and cannot continue taming.That wasn't even challenging.You fail to tame the creature.It seems to accept you as master.You can't see that.You can't tame that!Someone else is already taming this.It's too far away.That animal looks tame already.You seem to anger the beast!You have no chance of taming this creature.What would you like to taste?You would have been poisoned, were you not new to the land of Britannia. Be careful in the future.The potion tastes familiar to you.A slight taste tells you the properties of the potion.You do not recognize the potion, but it appears to be toxic!You are unable to recognize the potion.You already know what kind of potion that is.Tasting something.You are too far away to taste that.You feel that such an action would be inappropriate.You cannot taste someone else's goods!You cannot taste goods that are not for sale!Sticking out my tongue...That's not something you can taste.Oops, you took more than just a taste!.You did not detect the poison in time!You cannot discern anything about this substance.Something is blocking the location.That location is too far awayThou art too encumbered to move.Target cannot be seen.Cannot teleport to that spot.Cannot teleport to that spot.Someone is standing there!Cannot teleport to that spot.I can't teleport there!No dest Object variable found.teleportingteleport failedteleport succeded.No dest Object variable found.teleportingteleport failedteleport succeded.Arg! This has no destination!Arg! Preparing to teleport!Target can not be seenYour magic is too weak to have any effect.STARTING TEST RUNI have been triggered.I did this much damageto:I should be animatingI should be animatingI have been used.Five seconds have past since I have been usedsuccessOK was hit!You cancel the unsecuring process.You can see me.You can NOT see me.pilferedstopFollowing thisrunawayYou can't get tickets for stolen items!Who do you want to give your tickets to?You must spend some of your tickets before you can be given anymore.This item has changed in value. No tickets will be given to you.I am not giving you any tickets.That's no prize!You don't have enough for that!Your backpack is too full.You can only give tickets to another person!You can't transfer tickets to yourself!You must spend some of your tickets before you can be given anymore.They already have enough tickets!Your tickets have been transferred.You have been given some tickets.Tickets are currently being given to someone else, or reloading, please try again shortly.You may not use ticket barrels in houses if you are not a friend of the house or the owner.You will need to decide faster. The item has been returned to you.You will need to decide faster. The item has been returned to you.You will need to decide faster. The item remains with you.You will need to decide faster. The item has been returned to you.An object was returned to you.An object of yours is being kept here, as there is not room in your backpack for it. To have the object returned to you, double-click on the ticket barrel, select OPTIONS and select 'Return held items to me.'There were no more items here which belong to you.You shouldn't be on the rope at this time.Enter the area of operation for the terrain scan, in (x, y) (x, y) format:Setting of operations area cancelled.Format for operations area incorrect.Terrain scan complete.Enter the area of operation for the terrain scan, in (x, y) (x, y) format:Setting of operations area cancelled.Format for operations area incorrect.Terrain scan complete.Enter the area of operation for the terrain scan, in (x, y) (x, y) format:Setting of operations area cancelled.Format for operations area incorrect.Terrain scan complete.Enter the area of operation for the terrain scan, in (x, y) (x, y) format:Setting of operations area cancelled.Format for operations area incorrect.Terrain scan complete.Well, that didn't work quite right.You fail to set the trap, and inadvertantly hurt yourself in the process.You do not have enough room in your backpack! Assembly stopped.Due to your exceptional skill, it's quality is higher than average.You could not seem to put the item together properly.You do not have enough room in your backpack! Assembly stopped.Due to your exceptional skill, it's quality is higher than average.You cannot seem to put the item together properly.Special quantity is 0 for some reason, you moron!You don't have the resources required to make that item.You do not have the resources required to create the keg.You must empty the keg before you can convert it for liquid storage.You do not have the resources required to create the keg.You split the keg while attempting to tap it, rendering it useless.You crack the lid while attempting to construct the keg, rendering it useless.You damage the tap while attempting to tap the keg, rendering it useless.You lose some of your materials, but cannot seem to line the keg correctly.You cannot seem to assemble the keg properly.You create the keg and place it at your feet.You create the keg and place it in your backpack.What would you like to set a trap on?What would you like to set a trap on?What would you like to set a trap on?Which gem will you use to make the jewelry?You don't have the resources required to make that item.That is not proper material for tinkering items.You already have a tinkering menu.What materials would you like to work with?There is not enough room in your backpack! You do not assemble the sextant.Use that on an axle to make an axle with gears.Use that on an axle with gears to make clock parts.Use that on an axle with gears to make sextant parts.Use that on gears to make an axle with gears.Use that on clock parts to make a clock.Use that on springs to make clock parts, or a hinge to make sextant parts.Use that on a clock frame to make a clock.That is inacessable.BUG!You fail to set the trap, and inadvertantly hurt yourself in the process.You fail to set the trap properly.You can't trap this! Other people might want to use it!You can't trap this!You can only trap an unlocked object.You cannot trap this item because it is locked down.You can only place one trap on an object at a time.That belongs to someone else.You need an ingot to make a trap.You need a crossbow bolt to make that trap!You failed to set the trap.You need a purple potion to make that trap!You need an explosion potion to make that trap!You failed to set the trap.You need a green potion to make that trap!You need a poison potion to make that trap!You failed to set the trap.You cannot place a trap on that.You don't have the resources required to make that item.Use this on only one gem.You don't have room for that item.You fail to make the jewelry properly.That's not a gem or jewel of the proper type.Use raw material.You decide you don't want to make anything.You didn't select anything.You must use wood to make that item.You must use metal to craft that item.You put the remaining unlit candles into your backpack.You cannot hold the candle, so it has been placed at your feet.You put the candle in your left hand.You put the remaining unlit torches into your backpack.You put the torch in your left hand.You put the torch in your left hand.The lantern is out of fuel.You blow out the candle, and discard it.You douse the torch, and discard it.Hear ye! Hear ye!I have no news for thee at this time.Some of the latest news!TOWN CRIER MESSAGESMessage entry cancelled.Message entry cancelled.Message removal cancelled.You have entered an invalid index number.Town crier update cancelled.Type in the message you wish to add: Enter the number of the message you wish to remove: Type in the message you wish to add: You are too weary to make anything from the clues of nature.Tracking failed.This area is too crowded to track any individual animal.You see no evidence of animals in the area.This area is too crowded to track any individual creature.You see no evidence of creatures in the area.This area is too crowded to track any individual.You see no evidence of people in the area.callback calledYou've set off a trap.A dart imbeds itself in your flesh!You set off a trap!You're skin blisters from the heat!Sound EffectSound EffectYou've set off a trap!You are enveloped in a noxious green cloud!My move should be affectedNothing visible happens.A fiery explosion results!A puff of smoke goes up!A tiny needle jabs at your finger!You are hurt!No teleportation set on stepped on me...The map is too difficult to attempt to decode.This treasure hunt has already been completed.This map seems quite old and can no longer be read.Only the person who decoded this map may actually dig up the treasure.The treasure is marked by the red pin. Grab a shovel and go dig it up!You fail to make anything of the map.You successfully decode a treasure map!You are already digging treasure.You have found the treasure chest but something is keeping it from being dug up.You have found a treasure chest but something is keeping it from being dug up.You can not move around while digging up treasure. You will need to start digging anew.You stop digging because something is directly on top of the treasure chest.The treasure chest fell apart for some reason. Try digging it up again.You have found the treasure but something is preventing the chest from being dug up.You have found the treasure but something is preventing the chest from being dug up.The treasure for this map has already been found.You are already digging.The chest can't be dug up because you are standing on top of it.You did not decode this map and have no clue where to look for the treasure.You dig and dig but no treasure seems to be here.Where do you wish to dig?That is too far away.You dig and dig but fail to find any treasure.You can't mine there.You can't mine that.You can't mine while riding.You can't mine while polymorphed.There is no metal here to mine.You have moved too far away to continue mining.Someone has gotten to the metal before you.You loosen some rocks but fail to find any useable ore.You dig some ore and put it in your backpack.You dig some ore and but you have no place to put it.message receivedYou take some treasure and put it in your createdtreasure 3make smallertreasure 2make smallertreasure 1make smallertreasure 0make smallerImpassable!WHOOOHOOYou would like to learn tracking, eh? Are you perchance going after that dragon?What of the dragon, are you on the hunt for it?I am just relieved that the terrible monster will be dead soon.That is a shame, the town was hoping someone like you could help us.Bless thee sir, for that cause I will teach you to track it down for free!Your skill level increases.I wish I could help you, but there is nothing more I can do to aid you on your quest.It is good to have you back sir, but I have done all I can for thee, it is now up to you to save our village.Hello again! Have you found a smith's hammer for me yet? I can't make that sword without it!Greetings my friend, have you brought me a longsword?Greetings again, sir. Have you had any luck on your quest?Ah, a guest in my home, greetings my friend!The dragon won't be a problem after I make you an enchanted sword, but I need a smith's hammer to do so.The dragon won't be a problem after I make you an enchanted sword, but I need an ordinary longsword to do so.With the sword I gave you, you should be able to kill the dragon, perhaps in a single blow!Ahh, a young dragonslayer are you? Well you will need help. Bring me a smith's hammer, and I can make you an enchanted sword to slay the beast with!You should be able to get a smith's hammer from the blacksmith in town for a modest price.You should be able to get a longsword from the blacksmith in town for a modest price.Well, if you got bored, you could always go slay that cursed dragon!You should be able to get a smith's hammer from the blacksmith in town for a modest price.You should be able to get a longsword from the blacksmith in town for a modest price.The sword I gave you is all the help I can render you.What was it you needed help with?Given a smith's hammer and an ordinary longsword, I can make an enchanted sword!I'll need a regular longsword to make an enchanted sword of.That sword does potent damage, but has very limited use.I can make an enchanted sword, but I'll need a smith's hammer and an ordinary longsword to do so.I have already made you a glass sword, that is all I can do for you.Oops, I dropped it.Yes, with this I can make you an enchanted sword to slay the dragon with! All I need now is your longsword... you do have one don't you?Good, now I will make your glass sword. Remember you can only use it once, and I can not make another!The sage chants for a moment, and hits your longsword with the hammer shattering the steel and revealing a blade of glass!I have already made you a glass sword, that is all I can do for you.Oops, I dropped it.I can make an enchanted sword from this, but I still need a hammer.Good, now I will make your glass sword. Remember you can only use it once, and I can not make another!The sage chants for a moment, and hits your longsword with the hammer shattering the steel and revealing a blade of glass!2 in listclosedYou cannot cast this on a secure item.My spell does not seem to have an effect on that lock.My spell had no effect on that lock.That did not need to be unlocked.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.The fish don't seem to be biting here.You do not have room in your backpack for a fish.Uh oh! That doesn't look like a fish!You fish a while, but fail to catch anything.The fish don't seem to be biting here.The fish don't seem to be biting here.You broke your fishing pole.You pull up a heavy chest from the depths of the ocean!You do not have room in your backpack for a fish.You have lost your quarry.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.This magic item is out of charges.To purchase items, say 'vendor buy'.This item is being considered for purchase.YouYou do not have room in your backpack for this.You take the item.This item is not for sale.You do not have room in your backpack for this.You do not have room in your backpack for this.You cannot afford this item.You have waited too long to accept the purchase.Cancelled purchase.Take a look at my goods.I can only accept items from the shop owner.I'll take that to fund my services.I can't carry anymore.You own this shop, just take what you want.Select the item you wish to buy. You are overloaded already.I am holding no gold for you.You can't buy that.You can't buy that.You can't buy that.This is being considered for purchase by another party.You can't buy that.You can't buy that.Select another item to buy, or press escape to cancel.If you'd like to purchase an item, just say so.I can only accept items from the shop owner.I cannot allow you access to that item.Why would you care? You don't run this shop.I regret nothing!postalIf you no longer require my services, feel free to dismiss me.Thou canst not replace me until thou hast removed all thy goods from my stock.Generation of new deed failed!The new contract of employment does not fit in your backpack.A new contract of employment has been placed in your backpack.You do not have room in your backpackAll the gold that I have been carrying has been deposited into your bank account.I regret nothing!postalYou need to collect your vendor's belongings before moving.Your vendor is now a deed. It must be placed in a house you own, or are considered a friend of.Take a look at my wares.Vendors can only be placed in houses.Vendors can only be placed in houses.You cannot place this vendor. Make sure the house is public and that you have not reached your vendor limit.You must ask the owner of this building to name you a friend of the household in order to place a vendor here.Bug! Tried to extract a vendor from a deed that is not a container!Only the original employer of this vendor may use this deed.There is no vendor associated with this deed.Ah! It feels good to be working again!putMobInContainer failedYour godly powers allow you to place this vendor whereever you wish.Lord British has decreed that no vendors may be set up for employment until further notice.Vendor was unable to be created there.Your fingers slip!You were unable to finish your work before you died.You did not stay close enough to heal the creature!You did not stay close enough to heal the creature!You are able to resurrect the creature.You fail to resurrect the creature.You use your understanding of armor to repair the creature's scales.You heal what little damage your patient had.You apply the bandages, but they barely help.You finish applying the bandages.Bandages can not be used on that.You have been inflicted by an even deadlier poison!You are no longer famous enough to remain in your guild.Murderers aren't allowed in your guild.Members of virtue guilds must always display their affiliation.You are unworthy of wielding me.You've been unjailed!You've been jailed!Error: Improper InputsError: You can only target monsters/NPCs/volunteers with thisThis ability can not be used on companions.Error: You can only target mobiles with thisError: You can only target monsters if they were created by a volunteer.Error: Value out of range (0 - 1000)Error: Value out of range (0 - 1000)Error: Value out of range (0 - 1000)Error: Improper InputsError: Value out of range (0 - 1000)Error: Value out of range (0 - 20000)Error: Value out of range (-20000 - 20000)Error: Value out of range (0 - 999, 33770 - 33826)You can not tweak that's hue.Error: Value out of range (0 - 401)You can not tweak that's body type.Error: Value out of range (0 - 100)Error: Value out of range (0 - 9999)Error: Value out of range (0 - 5000)Error: Value out of range (0 - 9999)You have lost your volunteer status.Reload completeYou can not use this command while you have a newbie to help. Use 'releasenewbie' first.No return location seems to be stored for you right now.You can't help someone else if YOU'RE dead!You're already helping someone!Your helper has left you.You will now be alerted when a new account logs in and needs assistance.You will no longer be alerted to new accounts logging in.You have deferred the person you were helping.Abilities:Autotargets:You don't have permission to do that.Close parens around coordinates for proper use!Error: No autotarget number entered.Error: Enter an autotarget number between 1 and 5.Error: Invalid autotargetError: No name entered.Error: unclosed single quotes around name!Error: No object number entered.You can not resurrect in houses or boats.You can only transfer players, NPCs, monsters or corpses.You can only telestorm mobiles.Only players can be jailed.You've been unjailed!Imprisoning CancelledCongrats, you've successfully jailed yourself!Looks like you made someone mad, cause they just jailed you.That creature was not found in the spawning library.You do not have permission to spawn thoseYou do not have enough monster points to spawn that.That item was not found in the creation library.You do not have permission to create thoseYou do not have enough creation points to make that.You don't have a pack to put that in.Apparently you can't squelch them, cause they're still blathering on!You are no longer ignored by monsters.You are now ignored by monsters.You're now invisible.You're now visible.Target has been added to derobe request queue.Error: return location is invalid, try another.Error: destination location is invalid, try another.A new player has logged on.Use the `helpnewbie' command to help them.Previously deferred newbie skipped...No newbies still need help.You have been placed outside the house your target is in.Error : destination location is invalid, try another.You have been placed outside the house your target is in.This ability can not be used to teleport onto boats.Target is not a town crier.You must provide text with your command.Message set, will expire in 20 minutes.You must specify a new name as a parameter.You can only rename gates you've created.You don't have permission to do that.You can only change the names of other volunteers and volunteer created gates.Error: Target is already a volunteer of some type.You can only do this to players.Error: Target is already a volunteer of some type.You can only do this to players.Error: Target is already a volunteer of some type.You can only do this to players.Error: Target is already a volunteer of some type.You can only do this to players.You can't use the become ability when dead!That creature was not found in the become library.You do not have permission to become that.You are no longer set 'No-Play.'You are now set 'No-Play.'Please select a autotarget slot between 1 and 5.This ability can not be used to teleport in houses or boats.I'm a bigwig, they can't do this to me!They're a 10, I'm screwed!Arch Comp can derobe only Comps and Sr. CompsSr Comp can't Derobe Sr. CounselorBoth CounselorsArch Elder can't Derobe AncientsBoth SeersYou have been ejected from this house!You have been placed outside the house your target is within.Ivalid Volunteer Type, setting to 1.You had no bank box, so your backpack was destroyed.Your pack has been put in your bank box.For some reason, your pack could not be put in your bank box, so it was destroyed.As a young player, you may not use this spell.Target cannot be seen.Warnings: Please select the ship to use this on.This does not appear to be a multi-object.Please contact a gamemaster and let them know there is a bug here.You feel a gathering of magical energy around you, but it strangely dissipates with no effect.You are not worthy of entrance to the city of Wind!This isn't your ticket! Shame on you! You have to use YOUR ticket.Target the ticket that matches this serial number.You can't target the same ticket!That is not a valid ticket.The two serial numbers do not match. You need to find the other half of this serial number.A black dye tub has been placed in your backpack.A coupon for a free hair restyling has been placed in your backpack.A piece of ranger armor has been placed in your backpack.A wand of fireworks has been placed in your backpack.A spyglass has been placed in your backpack.A deed for the tree has been placed in your backpack.A deed for the tree has been placed in your backpack.(double-click the tree foliage to take it down)You can not take this tree down.This tree is locked down. Release it first!You will have to wait till next December to put your tree back up for display.The holiday tree can only be placed in your house.The holiday tree cannot be placed this close to a house door.Moving Items now.Moving Items.Select the body.Another minion... That is unusable for transforming into a zombie.