Welcome to the Ultima Online Tutorial! This and the following windows will explain how to play Ultima Online. You can use the scrollbar on the right to scroll this text up and down. Press the NEXT button when you are ready to begin!
Now we will learn how to talk in the world of Britannia. First, type in Hello. See how it appears at the bottom of your screen? This is where you will see the text you type while in the game. When you press enter, it will appear to the players around you. Now press the Enter key.
When you pressed the Enter key, the text you had typed appeared above your head. This lets other people know you are speaking. Also, when you see text above the head of someone else you will know they are speaking. Now we will learn how to walk and move around in the world. Move the cursor around your character. See how it changes? This will show you the direction you are going to move in. Clicking the right mouse button will make your character walk. Move the cursor near your character and single click the right mouse button.
Great Job! You now know how to walk! Now follow the blue footprints on the ground by clicking and holding down the right mouse button. This will make your character continually walk instead of taking one step at a time. Continue following the footprints down the hall to a set of blue magical runes. Walk onto them when you arrive.
Perfect! Now we will learn how to Pathfind. Pathfinding is an automated walk which will make your character walk around any obstacles in their way. This is activated when you quickly click the right mouse button twice. Move the mouse cursor over the Red runes on the other side of the walls, and double-click the right mouse button.
Did you notice how your character walked around the obstacles? This is called Pathfinding. Double-clicking the right mouse button will activate Pathfinding when you want it. While your character is moving, it will say Pathfinding above your head. Follow the red footprints down this hallway.
Now we will learn how to Run. To Run, click and hold down the right mouse button and move the cursor closer to the edge of the screen. This will make your character Run in that direction instead of walking. Run down this hallway and follow the Blue footprints.
You're doing great! Now continue following the blue footprints.
Now you will see a pair of metal doors ahead of you. Walk over and stand in front of the doors.
You are standing to the side of the doors! Move over to stand directly in front of them.
Now we will learn how to Use objects. To Use an object place your cursor on it and double click the left mouse button. Doing this will allow you to open doors, open chests, and use things like spinning wheels and tools. Double left clicking on some food will let you eat it if you're hungry. Try to open the doors in front of you.
Perfect! Did you notice how the doors opened when you used them? Now you can walk into the next room. Please go through the open door.
Now we will learn more about your character, or avatar. An avatar is your in-game representation. It is how other people can interact with you. By using your avatar you can open your Paperdoll. The paperdoll allows you to see your current status, access important information and abilities, and customize your character. Double Left Click your cursor on yourself to open your paperdoll.
This is your paperdoll. It shows you what clothing you are currently wearing and what items you have equipped. The buttons on the right of your paperdoll are very important as they allow you to access game features. The topmost button, Help, will request assistance from one of our in game staff, or direct you to online information. The Help button will also help guide you to the best place to receive answers about Ultima Online. You'll be able to choose an option that best describes your situation. Press Next to continue.
The next button is Options. This will allow you to change your in-game settings, such as screen resolution and text color. The Logout button will permit you to leave the world of Ultima Online. Below that is the Skills button. This will show you a more detailed listing of your characters abilities. Press Next to continue.
The Journal button will open up a log of recent speech and actions said and seen by you. The Chat button will take you to an in-game chat room to talk with other players. The Peace button will allow you to go into combat mode to attack monsters. We'll learn how to use that shortly. Press Next to continue.
At the bottom, the Status button will give you information about your Avatar's attributes and statistics. Before we cover those, let's learn about the Backpack. Your backpack is in the lower right corner of your paperdoll. It is where all of your items are stored when you are not wearing or using them. It can be opened by using it. Open it now by double left clicking the cursor on it.
Wonderful! This is your backpack. It is where you can put the items that you find and need during your adventures through Britannia. Right now, there is a banana inside your backpack. We're going to use it to learn a few more ways you can interact with items. To Look at an item in the world, single left click on it with the cursor. A description will appear above the item when you do this. Look at the banana by moving the cursor over the banana and clicking the left mouse button once.
See how the description appears above the object? You can look at any object in the world with a single left click. Let's learn how to pick up things. Picking up an object is done by single, left clicking on it, just as you did to look at it, and then holding the mouse button down. You can then drag the item around. The item will stick to the end of the mouse cursor while you are holding it. Pick up the banana by moving the mouse cursor over it, and left clicking and holding the left mouse button down.
GREAT! You have now picked up the banana. Move the mouse cursor around. See how the banana moves accordingly and follows it? This is how you Move objects around in Britannia. Move the mouse cursor back over the backpack and release the left button. This will drop the banana back inside your backpack.
You appear to have missed your backpack! The banana has been returned to your backpack for you. Clicking on, holding and dragging is how things can be moved around in the world. Objects in your backpack can be Used just like objects in the world can be used. For example, double left clicking on the banana will let you Eat it. Eat the banana now.
Now you know how to Move an object in the world. Objects in your backpack can be Used just like objects in the world. For example, moving the cursor over the banana and double-clicking the left mouse button will let you Eat it. Eat the banana now.
YUM! You ate the banana. There is now a blue Hat in your backpack. Clothing and other equipment can be worn and removed. This is done by picking up and dragging the equipment over to your paperdoll. First, pick up the hat. Again, you do this by moving the cursor over it, and clicking and holding down the left mouse button on it.
You are now holding the hat. Be careful! You don't want to release the mouse button, as that would drop it. Drag the hat over to your head in the paperdoll and release the button. Doing this will Equip the hat.
Oops! You appear to have dropped the hat! I have returned it to your backpack. Try to pick up the hat again. Do this by moving the cursor over it, and left clicking and holding down the button.
GREAT! You have Equipped the hat. See how it appears on your avatar as well as your paperdoll? You can equip clothing, weapons and armor in the same way as the hat. Now, let's learn how to take it off. Move the mouse cursor over the hat on your paperdoll, and left click and hold down the mouse button to pick it up.
Now you are holding the hat again. Drag the hat over the backpack and release the left mouse button to drop it in.
Oops! You appear to have missed the backpack! The hat has been returned to your backpack. Now that you know how to use and manipulate items in the world we are going to learn a little bit about moving the in-game windows around. Press Next to continue.
Wonderful! Now that you know how to use and manipulate items in the world we are going to learn a little bit about moving the in-game windows around. Press Next to continue.
First, look in the lower right corner of your paperdoll. Do you see the Dash symbol (-)? This is the Minimize button. It appears on almost all of the windows in Ultima Online. Single left clicking on it will shrink down the window for convenience. Left click on the paperdoll minimize button, or dash symbol. Press Next to continue.
See how the paperdoll has shrunk down to a button-looking window that says Character? This is the minimized version of the paperdoll window. It can be moved around by left clicking and dragging just like any other window. To restore the paperdoll, you just double left click on the Character window. Double left click on it now.
Now we'll learn how to Close a window. To close any window, simply single right click on it. Single right click on your paperdoll window. Press Next to continue.
To reopen your paperdoll, simply double left click on your avatar. Now you know how to move, minimize, restore, and close all of the windows available to you. Press Next to continue.
Now you'll have a chance to use a little of what you have just learned. Inside of this room is a Red Moongate. A Moongate is a magical portal, which will teleport you to elsewhere. The moongate is inside the smaller room with 8 doors. Walk over to these doors, and Use them. (Hint: Double left click on the doors!). After you have opened the doors, walk into the moongate.
Now we're going to learn more about your avatar. Move the mouse cursor over your avatar. Now single click the left mouse button, hold it down, and drag the cursor off of your character. Press Next when you have done this.
This is your Status Bar. It is a handy representation of your avatar's characteristics. There are 3 major characteristics shown here. The first, and most important is represented by an H. This represents your avatar's Health. Health shows you how hurt your character is. Your Health decreases when you are wounded. As your Health drops lower, the blue bar will shrink. Lets see what this looks like. Press Next to continue.
Your Health has been lowered to half. See how the bar is now half blue and half red? The blue portion of the bar shows you how close you are to your maximum in that characteristic. So if you have very little blue left, watch out! Your other characteristics will work the same way. Health regenerates naturally over time. Press Next to continue and restore your Health to full.
The next characteristic, shown with an M is Mana. Mana shows you how much magical energy that your character has available. Casting a spell will decrease your available Mana. Mana regenerates naturally over time. Press Next to continue.
The last characteristic here is shown with an S. This stands for Stamina. Stamina lets you know how much energy and how tired you are. Running, fighting, and other physical activities will decrease your stamina. Be careful not to let your stamina reach 0, as you will become too tired to move! Stamina, just like Health and Mana, regenerates over time. Press Next to continue.
Now we're going to take a closer look at your status. The Status Bar can be maximized to a more detailed Status window by double left clicking on the bar. Maximize the bar now. Press Next when you have done this.
As you can see this window gives you much more details about your character. It gives you the number value of your maximum and current Stamina, Mana and Health, as well as several other statistics. The first statistic, STR is your Strength. This is a measure of how strong and durable your avatar is. The higher your strength is, the more Health you have, and the more you excel at physical activity. Press Next to continue.
The next statistic is DEX which stands for your Dexterity. This represents how agile and quick you are. If your Dexterity is very high, you will be able to dodge attacks, and perform physical activities more quickly. Dexterity also affects the amount of Stamina you have. Press Next to continue.
The last Statistic is INT which is for your Intelligence. This represents how smart you are. A character with a high Intelligence will excel at mental activities such as spell casting. Intelligence also determines the amount of Mana that you have available. Press Next to continue.
Next, SEX shows whether your character is Male or Female. Below that is AR or Armor Rating. AR represents how well protected your character is. The higher the AR, the better protected from damage you are. Press next to continue.
Next are the number values of Health, Stamina and Mana. Below that is Gold. This tells you how much money you currently have. Below that is Weight. Weight is an indicator how much you are carrying. The more weight you are carrying, the more stamina you will lose during normal physical activity. Excessive weight will prevent you from moving at all! Press Next to continue.
Now that you are more familiar with your character, close the Status window with a single right click. Now follow the Red footprints down the hall.
Continue to follow the footprints into the next room. Inside you will see a number of avatars. These are NPC's, or Non-Player Characters. NPC's are avatars that are run by the game. In this case, these NPC's are Shopkeepers. Shopkeepers will buy and sell items from players. Walk over to one of the NPC's and stand right next to them.
NPC's have a paperdolls just like you do. You open an NPC's paperdoll, just as you would open your own. Simply double left click on them.
The NPC paperdoll shows information about the NPC just as yours does. The clothing and equipment worn are shown as well as the NPC's name and profession. The Status of an NPC can be opened from the paperdoll as well. Close the NPC Paperdoll with a single right click. Press Next to continue.
Now we're going to learn how to buy and sell from an NPC. NPC's respond to speech, just like players do, but they require gold for their wares. Some gold has been placed in your backpack. Like all of your other items, gold is stored in your backpack. Open your paperdoll with a double left click on your avatar. Then, open your backpack with a double left click. Press Next to continue.
Now close your Paperdoll. (HINT: Single right click on it.). Your backpack will remain open. Inside of your backpack you will see some Gold. Looking at the stack of gold will show you the amount. You currently have 10 gold pieces. We are going to use this gold to buy something from this Shopkeeper. Press Next to continue.
To let a NPC shopkeeper know you wish to buy from them, you must type in Vendor Buy. Type this in now and press the Enter key.
This is the Buy window. Here you can make your selection from the wares of a shop. In this case, this vendor sells loaves of bread. The top portion of the window shows the name of the item, the cost, and the amount available. The bottom portion will display what items you have selected as well as the total cost of the your items. Let's purchase a loaf of bread. This is done by double-clicking the left mouse button on the Bread description in the top window. Press Next after you have done this.
The available loaves of bread has been dropped by one and a loaf of bread has been placed in the bottom portion of the window. You are able to increase and decrease the quantity of items by using the + (plus) and -(minus) buttons on the bottom half of the window. To complete the transaction, single left click on the large red checkmark at the bottom left of the window. Press Next after you have done this.
Great! Now you have a loaf of bread in your backpack. But you are also a few gold poorer. You only have 6 gold now. You can sell items to NPC's as well. They won't pay as much for an item as it is worth though. It's just not profitable for them! Let's sell the loaf of bread back to the NPC. Type Vendor Sell, and press the enter key.
The Sell window is arranged the same way as the Buy window. Instead of the shopkeeper's items at the top of the window, your items are listed. Double-click the left mouse button on the loaf of bread description. It will appear in the bottom portion of the window. Note the amount the NPC will pay for the bread is around half of what you originally paid for it. Now single left click on the large Checkmark to finish the sale. Press Next to continue.
You have sold the bread! The appropriate amount of gold has been placed in your backpack and was neatly collected back into your stack of gold. Now that you are familiar with buying and selling from NPC's, let's move on to some combat! Follow the blue footprints down the hall.
Continue following the blue footprints.
These creatures are Mongbats. Mongbats are but one type of monster that plagues the people of Britannia. Monsters are like NPC's, but they do not have a paperdoll. They do have a simple status bar much like your own. To open the monster's status bar, left click on the mongbat, hold and drag the mouse off of it. Press Next when you have done this.
This is the Monster's status bar. It only shows the monster's Health. Like your status bar, the blue bar will gradually shrink as the monster gets closer and closer to death. When the bar is totally red, the monster will die. Now open your own status bar. Left click and drag the mouse off of you. Press Next when you have done this.
Now we're going to learn how to go into Combat mode. Combat mode will allow you to attack monsters and other players. Press ALT-C (the ALT key and the C key at the same time). See how your status bar changes to a red color, and your avatar changes his stance? This is Combat mode, and it means you are ready to fight. Pressing ALT-C again will take you out of combat mode. Practice going in and out of combat mode a few times. Press Next to continue.
You can fight with just your fists, but to do more damage, you should use a weapon. To use one you must first equip it. A cutlass has been placed in your backpack for you to use. Open your paperdoll (Double left click on your avatar), and open your backpack. (Double left click on the backpack). To equip it we need to pick it up. Left click, hold and drag the cutlass out of the backpack.
Great! You have picked up the cutlass. Drag it onto your paperdoll and release the left mouse button to equip it.
Oops! You appear to have missed! The cutlass has been returned to your backpack. Left click and hold on it and drag it on to your paperdoll to equip it.
Your weapon is now equipped. Close your paperdoll and backpack with a single right click on each. Now you are ready to Attack a monster. Go into combat mode, if you are not already. (Use ALT-C until your character is in his aggressive stance.) Open the mongbat's status bar with a left click hold and drag (if you had closed it). Then, move right next to a monster and attack it. To attack a monster Use it while you are in Combat mode. Do this now.
You are now Attacking the monster! You will notice the mongbat has changed color and has a mini-health bar under it. This lets you know what you are in combat with. You will continue to attack the mongbat until it dies.
HURRAH! You killed the monster. Now, Use the monster's corpse. This will allow you to take any treasure that the monster has. Double left click on the corpse of the monster, now.
This is the Monster's corpse. Inside will be any equipment or treasure that the monster was carrying and has for the taking. In this case, the mongbat had a Crystal Ball. Pick up the Crystal ball with a Left click and hold.
Now drag the Crystal ball directly onto your avatar and release the left mouse button. This will allow you to pick up items from the world without opening your backpack. They will go directly into your backpack when dropped this way.
You appear to have missed dropping on yourself. The crystal ball has been returned to the monster's corpse window. Now click and drag the Crystal ball directly onto your avatar. This will allow you to pick up items from the world without opening your backpack. They will go directly into your backpack when dropped this way.
Congratulations! You now know how to kill monsters and take their treasure. To finish up, follow the Blue Footprints.
Continue following the blue footprints into the next room.
This red Moongate will take you to Haven. Haven is a city where you will continue your learning.
Going through this red moongate will transport you to a unique town in Britannia. The town of Haven is a place where new players become acclimated to the world. This town is a safe place to learn not only skills, but also to learn how to interact with others in Ultima Online. Haven is populated by advanced players known as Companions who will answer questions you may have concerning this world. Make sure you do not leave Haven too early as the information you can learn there will benefit your entire life in Britannia. Walk through the red Moongate when ready.
Going through this Red Moongate will return you to your starting city. From there you can continue your adventures through the world of Brittania.