FORM`DATAFORMTLANGINFOenucliloc01TEXT"We are sorry, but a Game Master is not available to assist you. We have forwarded your call to a Counselor. If a Counselor does not respond, please send an email to with a description of your problem.For more information on what times Game Masters are available, please visit the web page.
Ultima Online Help Menu
Please choose from the options below.
General question about Ultima Online: Select this option if you are having difficulties learning to use a skill, if you are lost, or if you have a general gameplay question.My character is physically stuck or cannot continue to play: This choice covers cases where your character is in a location they cannot move out of.Another player is harassing me: Another player is harassing your character, be it by verbal or physical means, or is breaking the Terms of Service Agreement. To see what constitutes harassment please visit If you are experiencing a problem in the game that does not fall into one of the other categories or is not addressed on the Support web page (located at, and requires in-game assistance, use this option.If you cannot find the help you require on this list, please visit our webpage at for other locations with information, and details on how to contact our Customer Support staff.Visit the OWO web page: You can find detailed answers to many of the most frequently asked questions on our OWO webpage. This selection will launch your web browser and take you to those answers.Report a bug or contact Origin: Use this option to launch your web browser and mail in a bug report. Your report will be read by our customer support staff. We apologize for not being able to reply to individual reports.Contact a Counselor: A Counselor is an experienced Ultima Online player who has volunteered their time to help answer general questions. Selecting this option will let you send a message to a Counselor. Please remember that Counselors are volunteers and may not be available at all times, so please be patient and remember to check the website for additional help.Back to the first pagePlease review the following to make sure you wish to continue with this page:You have asked to file a complaint on another player for harassment in Ultima Online. A logfile will be reviewed by our support staff if you send in this page, and you will receive a message through mail telling you of the status of your complaint. Please make sure you have your proper e-mail address on record with us. Harassment is defined on our website at :
Please review the following to make sure you wish to continue with this page:

1. You have asked the player to stop and they have continued.
2. You have tried to remove yourself from the situation.
3. You have done nothing to instigate or further encourage the harassment.
4. You have read and understand Origin's definition of harassment.
Do you wish to continue with this call?YES - I want to send a harassment log to the GMs.NO - I meant to ask for help with another matter.Your account currently has young player status. If you wish to remain In the war torn lands where Minax has taken control, you must give up this Young player status. If you do not wish to lose your young player status, choose 'Cancel' and you will be automatically transported to the Lands of Lord British.You can not perform beneficial acts on your target.You can not perform negative acts on your target.