FORMDATAFORMLANGINFOenucliloc02TEXTAlchemyAlchemy will allow you to create potions with both beneficial and harmful effects. By mixing reagents in a mortar and pestle, the alchemist can pour the resulting potion into a bottle. This potion can then be used by yourself or others at a later time.In order to create potions, an alchemist needs a mortar and pestle and empty bottles. You can buy a mortar and pestle, bottles, and reagents at a magic shop from an herbalist or an alchemist.When creating potions, you will need reagents. Reagents can be bought at a magic shop from an herbalist or an alchemist. Different potions will require different reagents.AnatomyAnatomy allows you to learn certain things about the physical makeup of the beings you select. For instance, you may be able to find out that bunny is a very weak opponent, but a demon will appear incredibly strong.In order to use Anatomy, you will need to click on the skill from within your skill menu. This will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the person or monster on which you would like to use your Anatomy skill. If you are successful, you will determine their relative strength. You will not be able to use the Anatomy skill on Shopkeepers or Vendors.Animal LoreAnimal Lore is a skill in which you are able to determine the health, needs, and special functions of an animal. Animal Lore only works on the animals of Britannia, and it will not work on monsters.In order to use Animal Lore, you will need to click on the skill from within your skill menu. This will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the animal on which you would like to use your Animal Lore skill. If you are successful, you will determine the needs, health and any special functions of the animal.Animal TamingAnimal Taming will allow you to tame an animal to which you will then be able to give simple commands. This animal will remain with you so long as you keep it well fed and happy. In order to determine the state of your pet, you might wish to learn Animal Lore.In order to use your Animal Taming skill, you will need to click on the skill from within your skill menu. This will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the animal you would like to tame. Once you start taming an animal, you will need to stay close to it until you tame it, or until you are told you were not successful in your attempt. If you are successful, you will be able to name the pet.To name your pet, you will need to left-click and drag off of the animal. This will bring up a status box with the current animal name. Simply click in this box and delete the current name with your backspace key. Once the current name is clear, you are able to type in any name you like.You will be able to give your pet commands. If your pet is still loyal to you, it will follow your commands. All commands are issued by saying the name of your pet and the command. For instance "Spot stay." [Build hyperlink command list]Attack: This will allow you to command your pet to attack another being. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the being you wish to attack, and if your pet is loyal and the being is not too strong, the pet will attempt the attack.Bring: This command will allow your pet to pick up an item and bring it back to you. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the item you wish your pet to bring back. You will need to issue the "drop" command for your pet to bring back the item. If the pet has a full inventory, they may not be able to bring back an item for you.Come: This command will tell your pet to come to your position.Drop: This command will tell your pet to drop whatever it is carrying. The item will drop on the ground, so be sure that you are in an area where you will safely be able to retrieve the item.Fetch: This command will allow your pet to pick up an item and bring it back to you. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the item you wish your pet to bring back. You will need to issue the "drop" command for your pet to bring back the item. If the pet has a full inventory, they may not be able to bring back an item for you.Follow: This command can be issued to tell your pet to follow someone. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the player you wish your pet to follow. If you wish your pet to follow you, you may simply add "me" to the end of the command. (i.e. "Spot follow me.")Friend: This will allow other people to give your pet orders. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the player from which you wish to allow your pet to receive orders. If the pet is loyal, it will now receive commands from that player.Get: This command will allow your pet to pick up an item and bring it back to you. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the item you wish your pet to bring back. You will need to issue the "drop" command for your pet to bring back the item. If the pet has a full inventory, they may not be able to bring back an item for you.Kill: This will allow you to command your pet to attack another being. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the being you wish to attack, and if your pet is loyal and the being is not too strong, the pet will attempt the attack.Patrol: This will allow you to command your pet to patrol the general area in which it currently resides. If your pet is loyal, it will patrol the area and attack intruders.Release: If you wish to let your pet once again enjoy freedom, use the release command. This will free the animal, and it will no longer respond to your commands.Stay: This command will tell your pet to remain at its current location. Your pet will cease to follow anyone they may have been following.Stop: This command will tell your pet to remain at its current location. Your pet will cease to follow anyone they may have been following.Transfer: This will allow you to transfer the ownership of your pet. Using this command will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the player to which you wish to give the pet . If the pet accepts the person, you will no longer own the pet and the person you have selected will be the new owner.ArcheryArchery is a combat skill in which the combatant uses the bow as the primary weapon. Archery is unique in that it requires arrows.If you have a bow equipped, you can attack a player, animal, NPC or monster as you normally would. The bow / crossbow will fire so long as you have arrows / bolts in your backpack. You can attack your target so long as you have direct line of sight to them.An archer can use a bow, crossbow or heavy crossbow.Two good skills which are complimentary to archery are fletching and lumberjacking. Lumberjacking will allow you to get wood from trees, while fletching will allow you to craft this wood into shafts and make arrows.Arms LoreArms Lore is the ability to determine the relative strengths of weapons or armor. Arms Lore will even allow the lore-master to see if a weapon is poisoned or not.In order to use Arms Lore, you will need to click on the skill from within your skill menu. This will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the weapon or armor on which you would like to use your Arms Lore skill. If you are successful, you will determine the relative strength and durability of the armor or weapon.BankingYour bank box serves one function in the game. It allows you to safely store items you collect over time. Only you will have access to your bank box. If you wish to gain access to your bank box, you will need to say "Bank" at the local bank. The banker will open your bank box for you. Much like any other container in the land, you will be able to drag object to and from the container. When you wish to close the container, right-click on it.Bankers will also deposit or withdraw money for you. To find out your balance, you may simply say "balance." If you wish to withdraw 1000 gold, say "withdraw 1000." If you wish to deposit 1000 gold, say "deposit 1000."BeggingBegging is the ability for you to receive alms from NPCs. When you desperately need gold, you can beg for it. You will lose karma, but you might gain a few coins.In order to use Begging, you will need to click on the skill from within your skill menu. This will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the NPC from whom you wish to beg for money. If you are successful, and the NPC has a spare coin or two, you will be given money. Using this skill will cause you to lose Karma.BlacksmithTo use your blacksmith skill, you will need to be near an anvil and forge. When standing near these you may use your tools to repair items, melt items, or craft items. A menu will appear one you use your tool near the anvil and forge.You will need a blacksmith's hammer, a sledge hammer, or tongs to use your blacksmithy skill. These tools will allow you to repair armor and weapons. If you wish to create new weapons or armor, you will need metal ingots.A good complimentary skill to blacksmithing is mining. Your ability to melt items down to ingots depends on your mining skill. Also, a successful miner will provide all the raw materials a blacksmith needs to become successful.Bowcraft / FletchingLearning the bowcraft or fletching skill will allow you to create bows, crossbows, arrows and bolts. For the self-sufficient archer, a good bowcraft skill is a must. Crossbows and heavy crossbows use bolts, whereas a normal bow uses arrows.To create bows or crossbows, you will need a bladed instrument such as a dagger or sword and boards. Use the dagger by double-clicking on it. This will bring up a menu. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to attempt to make a box [???], crossbow, or heavy crossbow. You will also be allowed to make shafts into arrows or bolts. If you have feathers, you can double-click on the shafts and then select the feathers with the targeting cursor. A new menu will appear with a choice of making arrows or bolts. Select one. If you are successful you will create bolts or arrows, depending on your choice.CampingCamping ill allow you to leave the world of Britannia immediately upon successful completion of building your campground. Logging out in Britannia normally will keep your character in the world vulnerable for a short time after you have logged out. By using camping, your character will leave the world immediately when you log out.You will need to double click on a pile of kindling to create your camp. A fire should start if you are successful. You will have to remain near your fire. In a short while, you will receive a message telling you that your campground is secure. When you see this message, it will be safe for you to use a bedroll. Doing so will log you out instantly.You will need kindling in order to make your camp. You can garner kindling by using any bladed item on a tree. You will also need a bedroll, which you can purchase from a provisioner.CarpentryThe carpenter is able to fashion useful items from wood such as furniture, musical instruments, and even additions to homes. A carpenter uses tools such as saws, nails, and joining planes when creating items.To use your carpentry skill, you will need a joining plane, saw, or nails. You will be able to use these tools by double-clicking on them. You will then be asked to select the wood from which you wish to build your items. Select a pile of boards or logs. Different objects you wish to create will require different amounts of wood. Experiment to see how much you will need. Once you have selected the wood you wish to use, the menu displaying the items you can create will appear. Select the item you wish to create and you will attempt to make that item.CartographyThe cartography skill has two primary uses. It can be used to create one of several types of maps. Secondly, it is used to decode treasure maps that are sometimes found as loot on monsters.To create a new map, first you must obtain a blank map. Then, use your cartography skill from the skill list, and click on the blank map. A window will appear giving you a choice of map types. Select the one that you would like to create. Your chances of success, and the range and quality of your map will be determined by your skill level. Your location will be the center of the map.To decode a treasure map, simply double click it. If your cartography skill is high enough, you will successfully decode the map. After you have decoded the map, you must also be the person to dig up the treasure using the mining skill.This skill is useful for traveling on a boat. You can plot your course on the map, then give the map to your tillerman. Simply say "Start" and he will begin to travel the course you have plotted.This skill is also useful to make maps for adventurers, selling maps of popular areas (such as dungeons), and selling maps to seafarers.CookingCooking allows you to bake raw food into tastier cooked food. First you must locate or build a fire. Campfires or forges will do for most dishes, however, some may require an oven. Once you have found a source of heat, double-click the food item you wish to cook, then target the forge, campfire, or oven. The cooking skill also allows you to try to combine certain foods to make new dishes.Detecting HiddenDetect Hidden is useful skill in several regards. Proficiency in this skill will allow you to detect hidden players, find traps on trapped chests, and detect dungeon traps. The higher your level of proficiency with this skill, the larger your search radius will be, and the greater chance you have of detecting other sorts of traps.To use Detect Hidden, simply use the skill from the skill list, and target the area or object you wish to search. When you successfully detect a trap, you will "notice something funny" about the object or area, and it will be revealed to all.As your skill in Detecting Hidden items increases, you may even begin to see traps automatically. This is a very difficult skill to learn, and may start happening after you have passed a skill level of 80 in this skill. Your ability to detect traps in this manner is dependent on the trap level and difficulty, and should not be relied upon in all situations.Another useful application for this skill involves the homeowner. If you are the homeowner, or friend to a house, and use the detect hidden skill in your household, you will reveal any players that may be hidden there.Evaluate IntelligenceEvaluating intelligence allows you to learn certain things about the mental makeup of the beings you select. If you need to know how intelligent a being is and get an idea of their potential magic using ability, your will need to learn evaluate intelligence. A high evaluate intelligence skill also allows mages to successfully overcome the natural resistance of creatures to magic. Therefore, a high evaluate intelligence skill may make a huge difference to a mage.In order to use evaluate intelligence, you will need to click on the skill from within your skill menu. This will bring up a targeting cursor. Select the person or monster on which you would like to use your evaluate intelligence skill. If you are successful, you will determine their relative intelligence, and perhaps their current mana level. You will not be able to use the evaluate intelligence skill on Shopkeepers or Vendors.FencingFencing is a melee combat skill, which allows for an quick attack style of fighting. A fencer is capable of using a kryss, spear, pitchfork, war fork, short spear or dagger in combat to great effect.Fencing, like the other melee combat skills, requires that you have the appropriate weapon equipped. Once you have the weapon equipped you will need to enter war mode. You will need to double-click on an opponent to attack them.FishingUse of the fishing skill will allow you to catch fish from large bodies of water. Double-click on a fishing pole, then click on a body of water. If successful, you will catch a fish. Success with this skill also depends on the availability of fish in that specific area. You can also catch other items, including treasure maps and SOS messages in bottles.Forensic EvaluationUse of this skill will allow you to find information about a corpse, and the events surrounding its demise. Use this skill by clicking the jewel in your skill list. You will be given a targeting cursor, target the corpse and you will be given information about the circumstances surrounding the demise. The higher your skill level, the higher your chances of determining these events, and the accuracy of your description.This skill is also useful for other reasons. By using this skill on a living person, you may be able to determine their membership in the Thieves guild. Your ability to determine this is based on their skill level as a thief.You can also use your detective skills to determine who recently picked the locks on locked containers and determine members of the Thieves Guild. Simply use the Forensic Evaluation skill, and target the item you wish to examine. You must be a skilled detective to begin this practice, as you will not be able to begin learning this skill until you have a skill level of 40.HealingUse of the healing skill will allow you to heal yourself or other players. To use the skill, simply double click a bandage, and target yourself or the person you wish to heal. If you are successful in your efforts, the recipient will regain health, and the bandage will be used up. To create bandages, simply use scissors on cloth.If you are healing another player, you must be near them during your efforts, if you leave their vicinity, your efforts will be in vain. If you are disturbed during your work, your fingers can easily slip, and your efforts will have less or no effect.A highly skilled healer may be able to cure poisons or even resurrect other players. To accomplish this, you must be skilled in both healing, and anatomy. To cure poison, you must have a minimum of 60 skill in each area, and above 80 skill in each area, you may be able to resurrect ghosts.HerdingUse of this skill will allow you to herd animals. To use this skill you must have a shepherd's crook. Double click the crook, and you will be given a targeting cursor. Simply target the animal you wish to herd, and then click the location you wish the animal to move to. The higher your skill, the more likely you are to successfully herd the animal.HidingThe hiding skill allows you to become invisible to other players. To use this skill, simply click the gem next to it in the skill list. If successful, you will become invisible to other players and monsters. You will be revealed if you move, speak, cast a spell, loot a body, attack someone or something, and other possible ways. It can be very difficult or impossible to hide while you are being attacked, so make sure to run a good distance away from your enemy and exit combat mode before attempting to hide. While you are hidden, you are not totally impervious to detection or attack. You can be revealed by spellcasters, the Detect Hidden skill, and can be tracked using the tracking skill. You can also take damage from area effect spells, and purple potions. You must remain wary even while hidden.InscriptionThis skill is used primarily to transcribe spells onto blank scrolls. To inscribe a spell onto a scroll, you must know the spell, have enough mana, and have the appropriate reagents for that spell in your pack (reagents will be consumed in the attempt). To begin, select the inscription skill from your skill list, then select a blank scroll. A scrolling list will appear which displays all of the spells you are capable of casting. From this list, select the spell you wish to inscribe.To copy a spell from a scroll onto a spellbook, drag the scroll onto the book. Inscription is not necessary to do this.To cast a spell from a scroll you can simply double click the scroll, and the spell will be cast. There are intelligence and magery requirements for casting spells from scrolls, but they are substantially lower than the requirements to cast them using magery.Item IdentificationItem Identification, if used successfully, will allow you to gather information about the chosen item. To use the skill simply click on the button and then click on the item to be identified. You will be given a description that varies in detail and accuracy depending on your skill level. (Depending on the ability of the user, the evaluation may be off by up to 50%)Once you have identified an item, you will retain knowledge about that item. Others will not benefit from your discovery, however. They will have to identify the item themselves.LockpickingThe lockpicking skill is exactly that, it is used to open locked items. In order to attempt to pick a lock, you must have a set of lockpicks in your pack. Lockpicks can be purchased from thief shopkeepers. Double-click on your lockpicks, and then target the item to be picked. Some locks are harder to pick than others (and some, such as house doors, are impossible to pick). Your skill level will determine your success rate. If you are successful the lock will be picked, and you can open the item.This skill is especially useful in hunting treasure from treasure maps. The treasure chests that are found will be locked and often trapped. Use of this skill along with detect hidden (to find any traps) will prove useful.LumberjackingThe use of the lumberjacking skill will allow you to gain raw materials in the form of logs. The logs can then be used for carpentry, bowyering, or tinkering. Simply equip a hatchet or an axe, double click the weapon and then click on a tree. If you are successful in recovering wood it will be placed in your pack.Mace FightingMace fighting is a melee combat skill, which allows for an quick attack style of fighting. A mace fighter is capable of using a War Axe, Club, Hammer Pick, Mace, Magic Wand, Maul, Smithy Hammer, War Hammer, War Mace, Black Staff, Gnarled Staff, Quarterstaff, and Shepherd's Crook in combat to great effect.Due to the heavy bashing of a mace weapon, mace fighters have the ability to damage the armor of their opponents and remove their stamina.Mace fighting, like the other melee combat skills, requires that you have the appropriate weapon equipped. Once you have the weapon equipped you will need to enter war mode. You will need to double-click on an opponent to attack them.MageryThis skill will allow you to cast a variety of spells in the game. The magery skill is automatically checked when you attempt to cast a spell, and your skill level will determine your chances of success in the attempt. To cast a spell, your hands must be free of any items (except a spellbook), you must have a spellbook with the appropriate spell contained therein, and you must have the appropriate reagents in your pack. Simply open the spellbook, choose the spell that you wish to cast, and double click the spell name. You can also click once on the spell name to get a more complete description of the spell, along with a 'tile' that represents the spell. If you wish, you can 'drag' the tile to your play area, and cast the spell by double clicking on the tile. Depending on the spell that you cast, you will be given different options for the next step, but the success or failure of your casting depends on your magery level.If your spellbook does not contain a spell you wish to use often, simply acquire a scroll for that spell, and drag it into your spellbook. This spell will be added to the spells available for your use from this book.It is also possible to cast a spell from a scroll. The proper reagents and skill are necessary to prepare the scroll initially, so casting from a scroll requires no reagents, and can be done with a lower level of skill.Mages benefit greatly from meditation and evaluate intelligence skills. Meditation improves the rate at which a mage regains lost mana and evaluate intelligence allows a mage to overcome an opponent's resistance to the mage's magic.MiningCultivating the mining skill enables you to harvest the seams of ore that lie in the mines and mountains of Britannia. This ore can then be smelted into ingots (using the mining skill) and the ingots can then be used to craft various items, such as armor (using the blacksmithing skill).To mine ore you must have either a shovel or a pickaxe in your possession. Double-click on the axe or shovel and then, when the targeting cursor appears, click on a mountainside or a cave wall. If successful, you will mine either a small, medium, or large pile of ore, dependent upon a number of factors. The known ore types, in order of their prevalence, are Iron (the most common), Dull Copper, Shadow Iron, Copper, Bronze, Golden, Agapite, Verite, and Valorite.The rarity and chances of finding various ores varies directly with the skill level necessary to mine it. The more rare the ore, the higher the skill level necessary to mine it.A miner who is also a tinker will often be able to be self-sufficient. Tinkers are able to create shovels and pickaxes necessary for miners.MusicianshipUse of the musicianship skill will allow you to play an instrument. The ability to play an instrument is necessary for some other skills such as enticement, provocation, and peacemaking. To use this skill, simply double click the instrument of your choice. A music sample will play if you succeed, but an ugly noise will occur if you fail. The higher your skill level, the greater your chances of playing a pretty tune.ParryingThis skill is used to determine your proficiency at blocking attacks with a shield. If you are using a shield, this skill is checked automatically each time that you are attacked. If successful, your attacker may miss his attack, or do less damage than normal.PeacemakingUse of the peacemaking skill will allow you to stop all fights in your immediate area. This skill is related to your musicianship skill, and will automatically check this skill when you use peacemaking. To use the skill, you must click the jewel in your skills list, and then click on your instrument (or the game will remember the last instrument that you played). If you are successful, all fights in the immediate area will stop, at least for a moment. The higher your musicianship and peacemaking skills, the more likely you are to be successful.PoisoningThe poisoning skill can be used to poison a weapon or even food and drink. This will cause damage to whoever is attacked with the poisoned weapon, or to whoever consumes the food or drink. To poison a weapon simply use the skill from your skill list, and then select the vial of poison you wish to use, and finally click on the item you wish to poison. If you poison a weapon, you will lose karma. This item will now be poisoned until you use it. Once the poisoned weapon is used you will have to repeat the process to poison it again. The same process is used to poison food or drink. Select the skill and then click on the vial of poison. Then click on the consumable, and presto! The food or drink is now poisoned for a period of time. To create the vial of poison you will need to have the reagent nightshade, and then mix it in pestle and mortar. Once it is mixed, it will pour into the empty bottle in your pack. You can then use this green potion to poison items.When you wish to poison an item, DO NOT double click the green potion first. If you do this, you will drink the poison. This does not give you the results you had hoped for, as you will have just poisoned yourself.ProvocationThis skill is used to encourage other creatures to fight one other. You will need a musical instrument to accomplish this task. To use the skill, first select the provocation skill from the skills list, target the instrument you wish to use (or the game will remember the one you last used), and then click in turn on each of the creatures you wish to fight one another. If you are successful the two creatures will fight for a time consistent with their respective natures and dispositions. Please keep in mind that you cannot provoke other characters.ReagentsBlack Pearls are rare, and are often referred to as the reagent of movement. When finely ground into a powder, black pearls can invoke spells that teleport of propel the caster to another location.Blood Moss takes its name from its reddish color. Prevalent in wetter surroundings (such as marshes or swamps), this type of fungi is a base reagent for spells involving locomotion or animation.The ground paste of a ripe bulb of garlic has a reputation for warding off evil. This effect accurately describes its use as a reagent as well. Modern magicians use garlic in spells that protect the caster (or a specified target) or dispel danger.Ginseng is hailed as the reagent of health, as its syrup bestows both healing and restoration. Common Britannia folk use it as a home remedy for fatigue and sickness, but true magicians appreciate ginseng for its magical qualities and always keep a healthy portion on hand.Mandrake Root is harder to find than other reagents, although it is probably the most commonly used of the eight base reagents. Like blood moss, it thrives in dark, dank, areas, where most dare not venture. Those that do search out this precious root are rewarded by being able to cast spells invoking strength and energy.The nightshade plant is as deadly as its long-standing reputation. Its touch can poison a human; in a magical spell, it invokes powers of death, damage and illusion.Spider's silk is an inexpensive reagent, as it is quite plentiful and light on one's back, even in large quantities. However, it is so fine that massive amounts of fibers are consumed by a single spell. True to its origin as webbing, this reagent calls forth summoning and binding spells.Foul smelling but powerful, sulphurous ash is a dusty volcanic residue. It is found mainly in Britannia's mountainous regions and is a common element of any spell releasing fire, light, or explosive energy.Remove TrapThe skilled rogue will be able to disarm traps using the Remove Trap skill. In order to begin learning the art of removing traps you must first demonstrate proficiency at Lockpicking, and Detect Hidden. You must have a base level of 50 skill in both of those skills before you can begin your training in this area. To use the Remove Trap skill, simply use the skill from the skill list, and target the item that you wish to disarm. If you are successful in your attempt, you will disarm the trap. Failure to disarm the trap stands the possibility of setting off the trap. The higher your skill level, the more difficult the trap you can disarm. You must be very careful when using this skill, it can be quite a risky proposition. To disarm traps, you must be quite nimble, and will find that wearing gloves makes this process much more difficult.SnoopingThe Snooping skill is used to see into another player's backpack. To use the snooping skill, simply double click on another player's pack, and if you are successful, the pack will appear open to you on the screen. Be warned however that a large majority of players do not care for a player who frequents the use of this skill. This skill is best used in conjunction with stealing. To steal from other players, you must be a member of the thief's guild.Spirit SpeakSpirit Speak is used to be able to understand the speech of ghosts. If you do not have this skill you will only be able to see a series of "oooooo"s emanating from the deceased. To use this skill, simply use the skill from the skill list, and if you are successful you will be able to understand the ghost. Keep in mind that the length of time the interpretation lasts is directly related to the level of skill you have attained and your level of intelligence.StealingThe skilled Pickpocket may be able to steal items in several manners, from a variety of sources. You may be able to steal from monsters, chests, NPC's, or other players (if you are a member of the thieves guild, or if they are an opponent in a guild war). You can attempt to steal in two ways. First, use the skill from your skill list, and target the container, creature, NPC, or player. This is a 'random steal' and will attempt to steal an item at random from this source. The second method is to first 'snoop' the container using your snooping skill, and then select a specific object to steal. Dragging this item into your inventory will check your stealing skill to determine your chances of success. The skilled pickpocket must be very dexterous in his or her work, and will find that the more armor you are wearing, the harder it will be to steal.There are four possible outcomes to stealing:- True Success: you get the item and are not noticed- Partial Success: you get the item, but are noticed- Partial Failure: you do not get the item, but are not noticed- Total failure: you do not get the item, and your attempt is noticedIf your attempt is noticed, the guards can be called on you, so you must be very careful when attempting these practices. It is also important to note that for two minutes after stealing, the member of the Thieves' Guild is freely attackable by anyone in the area. In towns, the proscription against starting fights still applies, so even Thieves' Guild members will be safe from random attack, even if everyone knows of their affiliation.As mentioned above, you will not be able to steal from other players unless you are a member of the thieves guild, or unless the target is an opponent in a guild war. You can join the thieves guild in the usual manner, by finding a Thief Guildmaster and asking him to join. There will be an entrance fee, and there are several entrance requirements. Your character must have adventured in the world for at least one week, must not have any murders to his name, and must have already demonstrated proficiency in stealing (60 skill minimum). The requirements to stay in the guild are stringent as well. If you are reported for murder, you will be summarily ejected from the guild, and cannot rejoin for one week. Also, once you join the guild, you cannot leave for one week, unless ejected from the guild. Thieves Guild members cannot report murders, and thus could be considered "freely" attackable anywhere in the world (except in justice regions, unless they steal from another player).SwordsmanshipSwordsmanship is a melee combat skill, which allows for a strong-arm attack style of fighting. A swordsperson is capable of using an axe, a battle axe, a double axe, an executioner's axe, a hatchet, a large battle axe, a pickaxe, a two-handed axe, a butcher knife, a cleaver, a skinning knife, a bardiche, a halberd, a broad sword, a cutlass, a katana, a longsword, a scimitar, or a viking sword in combat to slice there opponents to ribbons.Only the one-handed weapons of a swordsman can be poisoned. You must be careful when using a poison weapon, as the poison will damage the weapon and make it more likely to break.Swordsmanship, like the other melee combat skills, requires that you have the appropriate weapon equipped. Once you have the appropriate weapon equipped, you will need to enter war mode. You will need to double-click on an opponent to attack them.TailoringUse of the tailoring skill will allow you to make a wide variety of items, ranging from bandages to clothing, and even leather armor. Your raw materials can come from a variety of sources, from hunting animals for leather, to gathering cotton and spinning thread. You can also purchase materials from a vendor and craft them into items for resale.To get leather from a cow, you will need to kill it and skin it. In order to skin the cow, use a bladed weapon on the carcass. This will leave hides on the corpse. You may also get hides from other animals.You may purchase cloth, or you may also find cotton lying in fields. If you do find cotton, you may use the cotton. This will bring up a targeting cursor. Select a spinning wheel to use the cotton on and it will produce cloth.Once you have your raw materials, you can make a wide variety of items. You need a sewing kit to tailor these items. A sewing kit can be purchased from a tailor. Use the sewing kit with the materials in your pack. You will be given a window presenting the categories and items that you can craft with your skill level and materials. Choose the item you wish to make, and target the material if necessary. If you are successful, the item will be placed in your pack. If you do not have room in your pack, you will be unable to create the item. As your skill level rises, you will be able to make more complex items, and your chances for success will increase. After creating some items, you may wish to dye them to increase their appeal. You can do this by purchasing a dye tub, and some dyes. Just double click the dyes and select the tub you wish to use them on, then select the color you wish the tub to be. You can then dye items by double clicking the tub, and targeting the item you wish to dye.Taste IDUse of Taste Identification will allow you to determine the sort of potion you have in your possession, or to determine if an object is poisoned or not. Simply use the skill from the jewel on your skill list, and then target the item you wish to taste. If successful, you will be told what kind of potion it is (if the object is a potion) or whether or not it's poisoned (if it's not a potion).TinkeringThe tinkering skill is used to make tools for other professions, and also to make clocks, sextants, and to trap containers. With this skill you can make hammers, tongs, scissors, smoothing planes, and numerous other tools. To make these tools and assorted items you will need a set of tinker's tools. First double-click on the tinker's tools, and then select your supply of metal or wood. A window will open displaying the items that you can make from the raw materials available (either wood or metal). You will need ingots for metal and boards for wood. Some additional items may be necessary, such as gems for rings.To place a trap on a container you must have a chest or other container, a poison potion, explosive potion, or crossbow bolt, and a small supply of metal. Use your tinker tools, then target your metal, and choose the type of trap you wish to make. Last, target the container you wish to trap. If successful, the container will become trapped, and the trap you have created will affect the next person who illegally opens this item. Using the proper key on this container will bypass the trap and allow you to open the chest safely. The strength of your trap will be directly related to your skill as a tinker.TrackingThe tracking skill will allow you to track animals, monsters, and people. Use the skill by clicking the jewel on your skill list. You will be presented with a window, which will allow you to choose what you wish to track. Double-click the category you wish to track (animal, human, or monster), and you will be presented with a second window listing the specific PCs or NPC's that you can track. If you are successful, and an appropriate creature can be tracked, you will be told in what direction that creature can be found. The higher your skill level in tracking, the more likely you are to successfully track an object, and the farther you will be able to track it.VeterinaryThe veterinary skill will allow you to heal animals in much the same way that the healing skill works on people. To use the skill, simply double-click on a bandage, you will receive a targeting cursor, and then target the animal you wish to heal. The amount of healing that you provide will be based on your skill level.WrestlingThis skill is used while in hand-to-hand combat (no weapon equipped). It is checked automatically when you fight, and may determine the frequency, and damage level with which you will strike your opponent. The wrestling skill has several uses in combat and may even be used to stun opponents. If you do not have a weapon equipped and you attack a creature, your wrestling skill will come into play.