FORM+ðDATAFORM+äLANGINFOenuprofessn9TEXT+±ADVANCEDADVENTURERMERCHANTARCHERMAGICIANWARRIORCRAFTSMANTRADESMANARCHERBARDFIELD MEDICRANGERBATTLEFIELD MAGEPURE MAGEWARLOCKSWASHBUCKLERFENCERMACE FIGHTERSWORDSMANBLACKSMITHCARPENTERSORCERERTAILORTINKERANIMAL TAMERFISHERMANPROSPECTORSelect a type of profession to begin creating your character.When starting a character by selecting advanced, players with new accounts will not receive quests normally given to new players. Though not critical or necessary, it may be a good idea to complete these quests to have a better understanding of all the skills in Ultima Online. These quests are designed to help introduce you to the different skills and professions of Ultima Online. To receive these quests, you will need to select a profession when creating a new character.Characters of this sort roam the world of Britannia seeking adventure and excitement through combat. With sword, bow, or magic, they battle monsters, pirates, bandits, and other dangers as they strive for wealth and glory. Adventurers aren't shy about getting into fights, and those who venture forth into the dangerous wilderness should be prepared to protect themselves. This category subdivides into archers, magicians, and warriors.Merchants seek to make names for themselves by gathering wealth or crafting fine items. The craftsmen and tradesmen of Britannia provide the much-needed resources that enable adventurers to survive in dangerous settings. While some merchants venture into the more dangerous areas of the realm to find valuable materials, they tend to avoid combat if possible. This category subdivides into craftsmen and tradesmen.Archers tend to be quicker than warriors and stay moving to avoid their toughest opponents. They typically attempt to stay out of the thick of combat, using their skill with the bow to bring down an enemy before he can attack. Good advice for an archer: keep moving and don't forget to pick up your arrows (even from the bodies of fallen enemies).Magicians prefer to avoid any sort of physical combat. Instead, they use a powerful array of magical spells to attack opponents, and protect themselves. A skilled magician is a formidable opponent. The key to playing a magician successfully is keeping track of your mana. As mana levels get too low, run away and meditate, or at least rest. A mage with no mana is a sitting duck.Warriors are physically the toughest of adventurers, battling their foes in all-out hand to hand combat. Such individuals require great strength to wear heavy armor and survive battles with dangerous foes. The different types of warriors are divided mainly by the types of weaponry that they prefer.As his title implies, the craftsman earns his keep by crafting items of metal, wood, cloth, or a combination of these. Some craftsmen prefer to gather their materials themselves, while others purchase them from shopkeepers and still others set up deals with other players to keep their businesses in supply. Finished items can be used by the craftsman himself to further his career, sold to shopkeepers, or sold to other players for a handsome profit.While craftsmen use raw materials to create items for sale or use, tradesmen are the primary source of raw materials in Britannia. These merchants tend to range far afield, gathering necessary supplies to take to market. For every environment - forest, mountain, and even on the open seas - there is a tradesman in search of new sources of wealth. Tradesmen are always on the lookout for trouble - and for any loot left lying around that may increase their profits.An excellent individual to have around in a fight, the archer is not only skilled with his bow, but he is also capable of cutting lumber from trees and crafting his own shafts and bows. (You'll need an axe for this.) Getting a ready supply of feathers for arrows is as simple as picking off a few birds with your bow. Bows and arrows can be sold for fairly good money at the bowyer's shop.Although the bard is not as adept at physical combat as other adventurers, he does have the additional benefit of exceptional musical ability. A bard can use this skill to cause other monsters to fight one another, and then pick off the survivors with his bow. (Remember that this ability requires two targets to be effective.) A bard can also develop additional skills in pacifying monsters or enticing them to approach.The field medic combines a natural aptitude for archery with healing ability to become an excellent addition to any fight. His knowledge of anatomy makes him more deadly with a bow and more effective with a bandage. Field medics can earn starting money by adventuring alone or with others. Remember to keep a good supply of bandages on hand.The ranger is useful for both his archery skills and his ability to locate and track both creatures and people nearby. Rangers have a natural way with wildlife, and they use this ability to tame pets who accompany them through the wilderness. To get a quick start as a ranger, tame a pet and find other animals to attack with your bow while ordering your pet to attack the same target.The battle mage serves a mostly defensive purpose in combat, although he is equally ready to wade into a fight. His combination of fighting skill with the mace, magical ability, and healing makes him an excellent combatant both alone and in groups, although none of these skills are as good as those of a purist in any profession. Battle mages are not as effective against other magicians as mages or sorcerers.The pure mage is an expert at all types of spells, both offensive and defensive, although he is especially well-equipped to deal out damage in combat. Because casting spells is more effective at a distance and can be disrupted by being hit in combat, it is not ideal to take a mage into battle alone against powerful opponents or against large groups. A mage should always be prepared to teleport or recall out of danger.The warlock seeks combat of any nature, combining steel and sorcery to destroy his foes. Although he is not as good a warrior as the swordsman or as good a magician as the mage, the warlock is certainly capable of surviving a battle and escaping with his life when his spells are exhausted. Warlocks should limit their armor so they can move quickly and have room for plenty of spell components.Although the swashbuckler is not as adept at physical combat as other warriors, he does have the additional benefit of exceptional musical ability. A swashbuckler can use this skill to cause other monsters to fight one another, and then attack the survivors with his sword. (Remember that this ability requires two targets to be effective.) A swashbuckler can also develop additional skills in pacifying monsters or enticing them to approach.The fencer is a warrior who prefers to fight with a light, quick thrusting weapon. This could be a dagger, a light spear, a kryss, or a fork. The main advantage of these weapons is their speed in combat, often allowing the wielder to get in more attacks than his opponent. Fencers also benefit from the fact that their weapons are often one-handed, freeing the second hand to hold a shield.The mace fighter prefers to use a heavy, blunt weapon, such as a mace, club, staff, or hammer. Although not as quick as the fencing weapons, blunt weapons can pack quite a punch in a fight, and many of them can be wielded one-handed, as well. Mace fighters are most effective when heavily armored, and they can also benefit from the use of shields.The most common variety of warrior is the swordsman. Swordsmen have the widest range of available weaponry, including swords, cutlasses, large axes, halberds and other bladed weapons. Many of these weapons are one-handed, enabling the use of a shield in combat. The heavier ones, on the other hand, are capable of inflicting massive damage but require two hands and great strength to wield.The blacksmith's job is to locate and mine ore, smelt it into ingots, and forge the ingots into weapons and armor to sell at shops or to other players. The blacksmith should find a public smithy to use initially in order to create ingots and forge them into equipment. The most skilled of these craftsmen can create items of exceptional quality and durability, inscribing them with a maker's mark as a sign of the smith's prowess.The carpenter chops timber in the forests of Britannia and uses his skill to convert logs into lumber. This lumber may then be used to create all manner of furnishings, containers, weapons, and even additions to houses. Carpenters do not require a specific shop location to perform their work, but many items are quite heavy, so it is unwise to work for too long outside the protection of the town guards.The sorcerer is a scholar of all things magical. He is adept at casting spells, although not as powerful as the mage, but his primary focus is in the area of creating small magical items. The sorcerer uses his abilities in alchemy and inscription to craft potions and scrolls for himself or for other mages. In order to perform his work, a sorcerer requires large quantities of spell reagents, which can be bought or found in the wild.The tailor uses the hides and wool from native creatures to craft clothing, armor, and even bandages. Because he is often required to locate his own materials, a tailor is familiar with tracking in order to locate the animals which will provide him the necessary materials. In addition, the tailor’s skill with the needle and thread carries over into the realm of healing, allowing him to tend to others' wounds in times of need.Tinkers are most adept at creating tools for use by other craftsmen. They are also skilled with mechanical devices and are able to combine small parts into larger parts which can be built into sellable items. Furthermore, a tinker can also create traps to protect containers and homes. These craftsmen use both lumber and ore in their trade, and they have some skill at extracting both from the environment.Tamers have the gift of communication with animals, being able to tame them and command them. He is also familiar with animal movement and can track a potential pet through the wilderness. The tamer is a valuable member of the community, as many starting adventurers desire pets to accompany them on their journeys or herd animals as a source of wool and meat.The fisherman plies his trade along rivers, lakes, or the open seas, reeling in his catch for sale in towns. Fisherman are also known far and wide for their ability as cooks, and a well-made fish steak fetches a fair price in the marketplace. Some tales even tell of highly-skilled fishermen bringing up sunken treasure from the depths, but the would-be treasure hunter should beware of hungry sea serpents!The prospector wanders the wilderness of Britannia gathering its valuable resources - wood, ore, and wild plants. These he carries to shops and other buyers for profit. The best prospectors soon learn to craft products of their own. Because the prospector often encounters dangerous creatures and humans in his work, he is also adept at hiding from opponents.