FORMiDATAFORMiLANGINFOenutilehelp_TEXTTA keyring holds multiple keys. You can put a key on a keyring by double-clicking the key and targeting the keyring. You can remove the keys from the keyring by double-clicking the keyring and targeting the keyring itself. You can use a keyring just like you use an individual key, by double-clicking the keyring and targeting the door or container to be locked or unlocked.Communications crystals can be used to send long-distance messages or as a public address system. You must have both a sender and a receiver crystal. To link two crystals together, double-click one crystal, and target the other. To turn a crystal on, double-click it and target itself. The crystal will turn red. Anything spoken near the crystal will be echoed by any receiver crystals linked to the sender. Each time a message is sent through a crystal, it uses charges. To recharge crystals, you can double-click a crystal and target a gemstone. The gem will be destroyed and the charges on the crystal will increase.Double-click on a sheaf of wheat and target a flour mill to add it to the mill, or double-click the mill and target the wheat. Once the mill is full, you will produce flour.Double-click on the bookcase to see what books are on the shelves.Double-click on the fishing pole and then target water and you will try to catch some fish. This will check your fishing skill.Double-click on this armoire to open it.Double-click this and target a lantern to refuel it.Double-click this and target a spinning wheel to spin it into thread or yarn.Double-click this and target a spinning wheel to spin it into thread.Double-click this and target a spinning wheel to spin it into yarn.Double-click this book to read it or write in it. You can edit the text in this book by clicking where you wish to type.Double-click this book to read it.Double-click this flax bundle and target a spinning wheel to make thread.Double-click this sack of flour to rip it open.Double-click this to find out the latitude and longitude of your current location. This is useful in navigating the world.Double-click this to flip the lever.Double-click this to get the game time.Double-clicking a lockpick will bring up a targeting cursor. If you target a locked container or door, you will attempt to pick the lock using your Lockpicking skill.Double-clicking on feathers and targeting arrows shafts, or double-clicking on arrow shafts and targeting feathers, will attempt to make arrows using your Fletching skill.Double-clicking on this and then targeting a loom will add it to the loom to be woven into cloth. Once you have added enough to the loom, you will weave a bolt of cloth which will be placed in your backpack.Double-clicking on this board will bring up a bulletin board system. You can post new messages by double-clicking on the Post message scroll on the left. When you are done writing your message, click the word Post at the bottom to post it to the bulletin board. You can read a message by double-clicking the message. If there is a + sign next to the message title, that means there are multiple messages on the same topic. You can click the + to open up the thread and read any of the individual messages. When reading a message, you can reply to add a new message in the thread by clicking on the word Reply at the bottom of the scroll. You can also remove a posting you made. Posts to bulletin boards expire after a week of real time. Bulletin boards often have useful messages about recent murders, quests, and notable events.Double-clicking on this dye tub will let you target clothing to be dyed the color of the water in the tub.Double-clicking on this will eat it.Double-clicking on this will harvest it.Double-clicking on this will look inside.Double-clicking on this will look inside. Beware! Chests can be trapped. Use your detect hidden skill to determine if this chest is safe to open.Double-clicking on this will look inside. You may be able to move this piece of furniture by clicking and dragging it around. It will end up pointing in the direction in which you moved it.Double-clicking ore will bring up a targeting cursor. If you target more ore, it will combine the piles of material. If you target a forge, it will attempt to smelt the ore into ingots using your mining skill.Double-clicking the flour will bring up a targeting cursor. Targeting water will make dough. Targeting a bowl will put the flour in the bowl. Targeting sweet dough will turn it into cake mix.Double-clicking the flour will bring up a targeting cursor. Targeting water will make dough. Targeting a bowl will put the flour in the bowl. Targeting sweet dough will turn it into cake mix. Targeting honey will make sweet dough.Double-clicking these and then targeting a wounded person will attempt to heal them using your Healing skill. Targeting an animal will attempt to heal the animal using your Veterinary skill.Double-clicking these dice will roll the dice and give you a number. You can use this to play dice games or to play backgammon with a backgammon board.Double-clicking these dyes will bring up a targeting cursor. Target a dye tub, and you will be allowed to select the color to change the dye tub's water to.Double-clicking this and then targeting cloth will cut bandages from the cloth.Double-clicking this will attempt to play the instrument. Your chance of getting good music depends on your Musicianship skill.Double-clicking this will bring up a targeting cursor. If you target dough, you will make it into sweet dough for baking cookies or cake.Forges are necessary for smithing. You must double-click ore and then target a forge in order to smelt it into ingots of metal. In addition, you must be standing near a forge and an anvil in order to craft items with the blacksmithing skill.Gems can be used to add charges to a communications crystal. Double-click the communications crystal and then target the gem.In order to use the Blacksmithing skill, you must be standing near an anvil and a forge.Keys come as either key blanks or finished keys. A finished key opens a specific door somewhere in the world. To lock or unlock that door, double-click the key and target the door. A key blank can be used to copy keys. Double-click the key blank, and then target the key you wish to copy. This will check your Tinkering skill. You can store keys on keyrings. To add a key to a keyring, double-click the key and target a keyring. You can use a keyring just like you use a single key.These arrows are used as ammunition for a bow. You must have the arrows in your backpack to be able to fire the bow. After each shot, one arrow is consumed.These bolts are used as ammunition for a crossbow. You must have the bolts in your backpack to be able to fire the bow. After each shot, one bolt is consumed.These parts can be used by the Tinkering skill to make items such as clocks, sextants, or traps.This armor can be worn by dragging it to your character window and releasing the mouse button when it appears on your figure. It will improve your armor rating, protecting you from blows while fighting.This axe can be used to chop apart furniture, or to get wood from trees. Double-click the axe and target the tree to use your Lumberjacking skill to get wood from a tree. Double-click it and target furniture to chop it up. This item has a blade. It can be used to cut numerous things. Double-click it and then target the item to be cut. If you target the corpse of an animal, you can carve away meat, hides, feathers, and possibly other things which are useful. Targeting wood will attempt to carve arrow shafts or a bow using the Bowcraft skill. Targeting fish will cut it into fish steaks. Targeting a sheep will shear the wool off, if the sheep is not already shorn. This can be used as a weapon. Drag it to your character window and release the button when it appears on your figure in order to wield it. When you fight with it, you will do damage based on the type of weapon. Your chance of hitting your opponent will depend on your skill in Tactics as well as your skill in the appropriate weapons proficiency. There are three main proficiencies: Swordsmanship, used for edged weapons such as swords; Fencing, used for piercing weapons like spears and daggers; and Mace Fighting, used for blunt weapons like maces and staves.This can be used as a weapon. Drag it to your character window and release the button when it appears on your figure in order to wield it. When you fight with it, you will do damage based on the type of weapon. Your chance of hitting your opponent will depend on your skill in Tactics as well as your skill in the appropriate weapons proficiency. There are three main proficiencies: Swordsmanship, used for edged weapons such as swords; Fencing, used for piercing weapons like spears and daggers; and Mace Fighting, used for blunt weapons like maces and staves. This axe can be used to chop apart furniture, or to get wood from trees. Double-click the axe and target the tree to use your Lumberjacking skill to get wood from a tree. Double-click it and target furniture to chop it up. This item has a blade. It can be used to cut numerous things. Double-click it and then target the item to be cut. If you target the corpse of an animal, you can carve away meat, hides, feathers, and possibly other things which are useful. Targeting wood will attempt to carve arrow shafts or a bow using the Bowcraft skill. Targeting fish will cut it into fish steaks. Targeting a sheep will shear the wool off, if the sheep is not already shorn. This can be used as a weapon. Drag it to your character window and release the button when it appears on your figure in order to wield it. When you fight with it, you will do damage based on the type of weapon. Your chance of hitting your opponent will depend on your skill in Tactics as well as your skill in the appropriate weapons proficiency. There are three main proficiencies: Swordsmanship, used for edged weapons such as swords; Fencing, used for piercing weapons like spears and daggers; and Mace Fighting, used for blunt weapons like maces and staves. This halberd can be used to chop apart furniture, or to get wood from trees. Double-click the halberd and target the tree to use your Lumberjacking skill to get wood from a tree. Double-click it and target furniture to chop it up. This halberd has a blade. It can be used to cut numerous things. Double-click it and then target the item to be cut. If you target the corpse of an animal, you can carve away meat, hides, feathers, and possibly other things which are useful. Targeting wood will attempt to carve arrow shafts or a bow using the Bowcraft skill. Targeting fish will cut it into fish steaks. Targeting a sheep will shear the wool off, if the sheep is not already shorn. This can be used as a weapon. Drag it to your character window and release the button when it appears on your figure in order to wield it. When you fight with it, you will do damage based on the type of weapon. Your chance of hitting your opponent will depend on your skill in Tactics as well as your skill in the appropriate weapons proficiency. There are three main proficiencies: Swordsmanship, used for edged weapons such as swords; Fencing, used for piercing weapons like spears and daggers; and Mace Fighting, used for blunt weapons like maces and staves. This item has a blade. It can be used to cut numerous things. Double-click it and then target the item to be cut. If you target the corpse of an animal, you can carve away meat, hides, feathers, and possibly other things which are useful. Targeting wood will attempt to carve arrow shafts or a bow using the Bowcraft skill. Targeting fish will cut it into fish steaks. Targeting a sheep will shear the wool off, if the sheep is not already shorn. This can be used as a weapon. Drag it to your character window and release the button when it appears on your figure in order to wield it. When you fight with it, you will do damage based on the type of weapon. Your chance of hitting your opponent will depend on your skill in Tactics as well as your skill in the appropriate weapons proficiency. There are three main proficiencies: Swordsmanship, used for edged weapons such as swords; Fencing, used for piercing weapons like spears and daggers; and Mace Fighting, used for blunt weapons like maces and staves. This item has a blade. It can be used to cut numerous things. Double-click it and then target the item to be cut. If you target the corpse of an animal, you can carve away meat, hides, feathers, and possibly other things which are useful. Targeting wood will attempt to carve arrow shafts or a bow using the Bowcraft skill. Targeting fish will cut it into fish steaks. Targeting a sheep will shear the wool off, if the sheep is not already shorn. This item has a blade. It can be used to cut numerous things. Double-click it and then target the item to be cut. If you target the corpse of an animal, you can carve away meat, hides, feathers, and possibly other things which are useful. Targeting wood will attempt to carve arrow shafts or a bow using the Bowcraft skill. Targeting fish will cut it into fish steaks. Targeting a sheep will shear the wool off, if the sheep is not already shorn. This can be used as a weapon. Drag it to your character window and release the button when it appears on your figure in order to wield it. When you fight with it, you will fire missiles at your opponent. Your chance of hitting them will depend on your skill in Archery. You must have arrows for a bow, or bolts for a crossbow, in order to shoot.This door can be opened and closed by double-clicking it. If it is locked, you can use lockpicks to unlock it with your Lockpicking skill.This empty bottle is required when using a mortar and pestle for making potions with the alchemy skill.This is a magic wand. It may or may not have a magical effect associated with it. To use the wand, double-click it. To determine what effect it may have, you can use the Item Identification skill. Wands are also mediocre weapons which can be wielded.This is a magical reagent. It is consumed by casting spells. You can also target it with a mortar and pestle and make potions out of it.This is a magical reagent. It is consumed by casting spells. You can also target it with a mortar and pestle and make potions out of it. This particular herb is also very poisonous, and is used by the Poisoning skill to poison food and weaponsThis is a magical spell scroll. Double-click the scroll to invoke the spell. Dragging this scroll to a spellbook will copy it into the spellbook. Different spells have different effects; refer to the game documentation for information on a particular spell.This is a potion. Drinking it by double-clicking it will have a magical effect on you.This is a recall rune. The Mark spell can mark a location on a rune. When the Recall or Gate spells are cast on a rune, it will open a moongate to that location.This is a spellbook. Double-clicking it will open the book, where you can read what spells are in the book. You can double-click spells in the book to invoke them. If you drag the spell's icon off the page, it will become a floating button you can also use to invoke the spell. Spells require reagents and mana to be cast. You can drag spell scrolls onto the book and let go of the mouse button to copy a spell into the book. Spellbooks can be equipped and carried in the hand, or left in your backpack. When you die, the spellbook always remains with your ghost.This is a tool used in blacksmithing.This is money. It can be used to purchase items at NPC shops, or at player vendors.This is required for the cartography skill. It may or may not have a map on it. If you use the cartography skill and target this map, you will attempt to make a map of your surroundings. You will have a choice as to the scale of the map you wish to make. Double-clicking a map that is not blank will pull up a map on which you can plot a course for your ship. There is a button called Chart Course which allows you to stick pins in the map. The pins will be numbered. Once a course is charted, you can give the map to a tillerman and give him orders to follow the course.This is the basic tool required for the alchemy skill. Double-clicking on this will bring up a cursor. If you target a reagent, you will add it into the mortar. You are then given the choice of potions you can make with the quantity of reagents you have put in the mortar. You will need an empty bottle to pour the completed potion into.This is the basic tool required for the tailoring skill. Double-click it and then target cloth or leather to get a menu of items you can make. Different items will require differing amounts of material.This is the deed to a house. Double-click it to attempt to place the house. The location where you try to place it must be fairly flat and empty of obstacles.This is the deed to a ship. Double-click it to try to place the ship in water.This is used by the Herding skill. Double-click it and target a animal, then target the location where you wish to herd the animal.This is used to invoke the Herding skill. Double-click it and then target the animal you wish to herd. If you succeed, you will be asked to target a location where you wish to move the animal.This item has a blade. It can be used to cut numerous things. Double-click it and then target the item to be cut. If you target the corpse of an animal, you can carve away meat, hides, feathers, and possibly other things which are useful. Targeting wood will attempt to carve arrow shafts or a bow using the Bowcraft skill. Targeting fish will cut it into fish steaks. Targeting a sheep will shear the wool off, if the sheep is not already shorn. This item of clothing can be worn by dragging it to your character window and releasing the mouse button when it appears on your figure. Many items of clothing can be dyed to different colors using a dye tub and dyes.This jewelry can be worn.This material can be used with the tailoring skill and a sewing kit to make clothing.This material can be used with the tailoring skill and a sewing kit to make items you can wear, such as clothing or armor.This material can be used with the tailoring skill and a sewing kit to make items you can wear, such as footwear or armor.This moongate serves as a teleporter. Some moongates are one-way only, and serve as openings into this world from other dimensions. Other moongates have entrances and exits on this world, and serve as a way to travel quickly between locations. To walk through a moongate, simply walk into it.This raw food must be cooked before it can be eaten. Double-lick it and target a fire to cook it.This shield can be worn by dragging it to your character window and releasing the mouse button when it appears on your figure. It will improve your armor rating, protecting you from blows. The effectiveness of a shield is dependent on your Parrying skill.This stone is the control center for an in-game guild. Double-clicking it will bring up the guild menu, from which you can access numerous capabilities including guild warfare, membership, guild titles, the guild website, and other features.This tool is used for the Carpentry skill. Double-click the tool and target wood, and you will get a menu from which you can choose items to make.This tool is used for the Mining skill. Double-click it and then target a mountainside to try to mine.You can cook on this fire. Double-click the raw food and then target the fire.You can double-click a game board to bring up a window where you can play the game. If someone else also double-clicks on the board, then both of you can play the game together. There are chess, checkers, and backgammon boards in the game.You can double-click this pickpocket dip to practice your Stealing skill. You can only learn a certain amount of skill from practicing on dummies.You can get fruit from this tree in season by double-clicking it.You can get grapes from this vine by double-clicking it.You can light this or douse it by double-clicking on it. When lit, it will illuminate the darkness.You can make wooden items out of this with the Carpentry skill. Double-click a carpentry tool and target the wood.You can open the drawers on this furniture by double-clicking on it.You can practice your Archery skill on this. Double-click it from far away to fire arrows at it. Double-click it when standing next to it to recover your fired arrows.You can practice your fighting skills on this dummy. Just wield a melee weapon and double-click the dummy to practice Mace Fighting, Swordmanship, or Fencing. You can only learn up to a certain skill level from practicing on a dummy.You can use this loom to weave cloth from thread or yarn. Double-click the thread or yarn and target the loom. When the loom has enough thread or yarn on it, it will produce a bolt of cloth.You can use this spinning wheel to spin thread or yarn. Double click wool or flax and target the wheel to spin it.You can write a spell on this scroll with the Inscription skill. Use the Inscription skill from the skill window, then target the spell in your book and the blank scroll to copy the spell from your book onto the scroll.You may be able to move this piece of furniture by clicking and dragging it around. It will end up pointing in the direction in which you moved it.TKEY|ijk !"#$%&(,-./0124'3  L M N O P Q R S      9EWX KL !"#$% !^_qp q r s v w x y { | } ~ ? @ \ ] d e f g j k l m n p q r s t u w x y z { |       9 : ;<@AD!"#    !"#$%&'()*+,-O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ a b c o v  <=uvwxyz}~@ABC| >? :F! ! "# $0z{|}~%" !"#$%&'()*+,-./0&'(?@A)*OPQRSTUVYZ[\]^+[     NOPQRSTUVW       ,GH- ]89:;<=.CDEFIJKLMNBC/>?0QR^_`ac@A1b2OP3uvwxyz{|}~45 6z{78A-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklm9     :;;<=>?@ABCDE FE./01789:;<=>?@CD  .{| ABEFGHIJKL G   H ]^_`abcdefghIJghxyK8 lmnopLz  M rstuvwxyz{NO&'()*+,-./012345P9:Qabcdefjlmno+ , - . / 0 1 2 3 RS,-T U      ! " # $ V!      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